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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday February 25, 2010 - Refined by challenges

Good Thursday morning, my friends!

Some challenges I have faced recently have helped me to have a better perspective on what is truly important in my life.  Often I have prayed that these challenges be removed, but as I look back I can see that these things have had a purpose in my walk of faith.  So as I contemplate the current challenges, I say "thank you, God" for these.  It is a half-hearted thank you, though.  It is difficult to be thankful for a trial while we endure it, but I can look forward to looking back and seeing His hand at work in my life once again.

How about you - what challenges are you facing?  Have major challenges in your past turned out to be blessings?  Can you trust that God is working this out for your good?

Amazing grace and eternal peace to you,

Father, we don’t pray for a life of ease since we know that virtues listed in Scripture are often refined in our lives through the challenges, the overcomings, the mistakes and the hours we spend in prayer seeking You above all else. 

May the nature of Christ be much more visible than our human nature so that we are truly a reflection of Your image that is stamped deep in our hearts. 

We desire to “follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and meekness” so that we are truly fruitful in our pursuit of holiness. Amen.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday February 24, 2010 - Do you want to be an overcomer?

Good Wednesday morning, my friends.

I was reminded recently of some incredible promises Jesus makes in the book of Revelation.  I have been reading them and meditating on them and I find them very inspiring and reassuring.  Ponder these today, and then ask yourself this question:  "Do I want to be an overcomer?"

Revelation 2:7 'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God.' 

Revelation 2:11 'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death.' 

Revelation 2:17 ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.' 

Revelation 2:25-29 ‘But hold fast what you have till I come. And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations – He shall rule them with a rod of iron; They shall be dashed to pieces like the potter’s vessels – as I also have received from My father; and I will give him the morning star.’ 

Revelation 3:5 'He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.’ 

Revelation 3:12 'He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and I will write on him My new name.’ 

Revelation 22:14 ‘Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city.’ 

Revelation 21:7 ‘He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.’

I want to be an overcomer.  I want to stand strong until the end.  I want Him to be my God, and me to be His son.  Forever.  How about you?

Amazing grace and eternal peace to you,

There are dark places in my Being, God. 

There are memories, circumstances, and scars that are unspeakable to me as I come before you. 

Heal my broken places, Dear God, and help me to feel my Wholeness. 

Bring me into the Light with You, God, and let me feel my fullness of Being as a Child of God.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday February 23, 2010 - God's patience

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.

This prayer speaks of the coming judgement, and God's patience as he waits for all who will come to repentance.   I am tempted to say (and in fact started to type) that I am grateful for the extra time so that I can clean up my own act.  Then I realized the danger and error in that thought.  It would have meant that I can do something for my own salvation.  Which, of course, I cannot.  It has all been done for me.  So while God gives me more time I will work to clean up some of those spots, but not because I think it will get me a better seat at the banquet, rather because I love God enough to obey Him and desire wholeheartedly not to disappoint Him.  Sounds like a parent/child relationship - maybe I am making some progress!

Do you too sometimes fall into that snare of works vs faith?  Remember, salvation comes by faith and faith alone.

Amazing grace and eternal peace to you,

Father, I can’t determine the exact day You will judge the earth, but the Bible judges the thoughts and attitudes of my heart each time I read it or meditate upon its truths.  

Help me to apply Your promises and commands to my life so that when the day of the Lord comes like a thief I will be prepared.  

Help me to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with You.  

Father God, Your patience means salvation for the many who will soon come to repentance.  

I want to  diligently pray for their souls, be bold in my witness, and exemplary in my Christian walk as I await the day of Your appearing.  

In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday February 22, 2010 - How much do you have to hate someone?

Good Monday morning, my friends.

Jesus challenges us, no, commands us, to share the Gospel with others.  But most of us (myself for sure) finds this one of the most difficult parts of our walk of faith.  Yesterday during the sermon our minister used a short video clip to demonstrate how important this task is.  It shows Penn Jillette (from Penn & Teller) describing why he respects Christians who want to tell others about Heaven and Hell - and Penn is an atheist.  He asks "how much do you have to hate someone not to tell them?"  Ouch.  You can find the clip here

Let us pray that we will be given opportunities today to share the Gospel, and the courage to take those opportunities.

Amazing grace and eternal peace to you,

Father, we are a chosen generation, a royal people who have been called out of darkness into Your marvelous light.  

Through the power of Your Holy Spirit we go forth and shine Your light through our works, our attitudes, our holy lives, and by our verbal witness.  

May we bring You glory as others see Your light shining through us.  

And we pray that others will come to Christ through our witness.  

It is in His name that we pray.  Amen.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday February 19, 2010 - Lay your burdens down

Good Friday morning, my friends.

Reading this prayer this morning, I could feel my shoulders relax and tension leave my body.  It helped me to lay down the burdens of my day.  I pray it does for you too.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Amazing grace and eternal peace to you,

Dear Lord,

You are my Father, and you love me. You desire only what is best in my life. Help me to rest in You, to abide in You, and to trust in You.

Shine the light of Your word on my path that I might follow in Your footsteps instead of making my own way in the world.

Pour Your love in and through me that I might love those you bring into my life. Sometimes it is hard, Lord, especially when they give so many reasons to be hurt or angry instead.

Teach me to judge only the thoughts and intents of my own heart, to give to You that which causes my heart to become hard and callous, and to become pliable in Your Hand.

May I learn to trust you more each day, to thank you for each blessing you bestow, and to cherish every breath.

May I treasure every loved one, forgive their mistakes and misdeeds, and remember that they won't be around forever.

And, Lord let Your presence be with those whose hearts are hurting so deeply today. Help them to know Your love and comfort.


Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday February 18, 2010 - Being tested and humbled in the desert

Good Thursday morning, my friends.

This morning as I was listening to the radio, I heard this scripture referenced:  Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. (Deuteronomy 8:2)

This got me thinking about yesterday's prayer (I never promised you a rose garden), about when there are times we just don't feel like doing the "God thing".  Sometimes we choose to do follow Him, sometimes not.  This scripture connected the dots for me.  God leads us through these times in the desert, times where we do not feel his presence, where we feel alone, in order to test and humble us.  The key is to be aware of it, recognize it for what it is, and choose to follow.  He wants our obedience, and there is great rejoicing in heaven when we choose to obey.  Why not join in the rejoicing?

Amazing grace and eternal peace to you,

We ask him to strengthen you by his glorious might with all the power you need to patiently endure everything with joy.
(Colossians 1:11)

Almighty God, who has given me the desire to do right and helped me to do your service, strengthen me to persevere.

Give me the endurance to serve you, and perform my duties.

When I am weary in my good efforts, remind me that the ways of sin are pathways to destruction.

In my darkness of discouragement, give me the light of your presence.

Your Word tells us that, “he who endures to the end shall be saved.” Help me to endure and not fall from your grace.

I ask in Jesus’ name.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday February 17, 2010 - I never promised you a rose garden

Good Wednesday morning, my friends.

I never promised you a rose garden.
Along with the sunshine, 
There's gotta be a little rain sometimes.

I am sure most of you recognize those lyrics from a song sung by Lynn Anderson (written by Joe South).  I think those words could have been spoken by Jesus about the difficulty of following Him.  Some days (many days) it is simply hard.  Some days I don't feel like worshiping; I don't feel close to God.  I don't want to avoid all the things this world has to offer that I know aren't good for me.  And, to be honest, there are days that I simply don't follow Him.  I rebel, I reject.  But like a patient parent waiting for the tantrum to end, He is there when I come to my senses and turn back to Him (my own version of the Prodigal Son parable?). His grace is sufficient.  Thank you Lord.

Grace and peace to you today,

Father, there is no one or no thing that is worthy of our complete allegiance, but You, our Lord, who has the words of eternal life.  

Though others may refuse to listen or turn away from the message of salvation we choose to persevere.  

We persevere in trial and in victory, in the ups and downs and in the in-betweens of everyday circumstances.  

We seek to do Your will in all things so that we will be richly rewarded with eternity in Your holy, glorious presence.  In the name of Jesus we persevere.   Amen.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday February 16, 2010 - Godly Messengers and Spiritual Hunger

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.

A number of years ago now (10 maybe?), we as a family were led by my beautiful wife, Rosemary, to "check out" a small church not far from where we live.  It was there that we met "godly messengers", people who had a deep, personal relationship with God and wanted to share it with others.  The leaders of this church instilled in us a spiritual hunger that continues to this day.  We are so grateful to God and to these people for their commitment and love.  Please pray for the godly messengers in your life, and pray for spiritual hunger that will be satisfied only by the Bread of Life - Jesus Christ.

Amazing grace and eternal peace to you,

Father, we thank You for godly messengers who faithfully feed Your children by diligently teaching the whole counsel of Your Holy Word.  

Sometimes we attend church with an intense spiritual hunger, while other times we may be there out of a sense of duty or simply to be seen by others.  

Give us a hungry heart that yearns for more of You so that our lives are set apart to honor and glorify Jesus Christ in all that we do.  

May we be attentive to Your life-transforming truths as You impart them to our hearts in our personal devotions and through Your annointed messengers.  Amen.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Prayer for peace officers in Vancouver during the Olympics

Hi folks - received this from my friend, Drew Snider, in Vancouver.  Please offer this prayer up today.

Hi all!
I'm firing this out to as many as I can think of on short notice to ask for your prayers in this: last night, following the Winter Olympics opening ceremonies, there was a confrontation involving anti-Olympics protesters.  One of my friends with Vancouver Police told me this morning that a couple of officers were taken to hospital with injuries after people threw paint bombs and glass; who knows how many others were hurt but didn't need to be hospitalized.  More demonstrations are expected this morning -- starting at 9am Pacific, in fact.
Could you please join me in a prayer for peace in this situation and protection for police and other law enforcement people?  May I suggest:
Father, we lift up to You our law enforcement officers -- police, firefighters, soldiers, corrections officials, and all others sworn to protect us and keep the peace -- in Jesus' Name.
We ask for Your protection and blessing on them as they carry out their duties: protect them from harm and give them the wisdom and strength they need to defuse situations before they become violent and to stand in the face of any violence that may erupt.
We ask also that You will reveal Yourself to the protesters and bring Your Truth to their lives.  Make them aware of the impact of their actions and show them what Your will is in society and how they can help accomplish it.
Above all, let Your peace reign over the situation and the city as a whole.
In Jesus' Name we pray.
Grace and peace to you all,

Monday February 15, 2010 - Love!

Good Monday morning, my friends.

In honour of yesterday being Valentine's Day, I thought it only appropriate to use a prayer on Love.  This prayer is derived from what has become one of my favorite scriptures: 1 Corinthians 13.

I say "become" because I used to yawn every time I heard it.  Which was, of course, at (almost) every wedding I have ever been too, including my own. 

But God has spoken to me several times through this passage.  The first time was when He revealed to me that it is does not only apply to the husband/wife relationship, but to every relationship we will ever have, however short or long.  The second was when He revealed to me that it describes a love that is not truly possible for humans (which was load lightening because I always felt inadequate when I heard it): instead, it is the love that God has for us.

Grace, peace, faith, hope and love to you today,

We ask you Lord to fill us with a love with a love that is patient and kind; a love that does not envy or boast and is not arrogant, rude, selfish, irritable or resentful.

We ask you Lord to fill us with a love that rejoices with the truth; a love that bears all things; a love that believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.

We ask you to fill us with your kind of love because that love is everlasting; that kind of love hangs in there when all other love stops. 

We praise you Father for the gifts of faith, hope and love, but especially for love.. because it is the greatest gift.. because of love you gave your only begotten Son.. help us to love with that kind of love.


Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday February 12, 2010 - Pride

Good Friday morning, my friends.

I don't know about you, but I have a constant struggle with my pride. There is an old story about a monk who had this difficulty, and decided to humble himself by walking up and down a busy street all day wearing a sandwich board sign which said that "Jesus saves sinners like me" (or something to that effect). When he got back to his room that evening, he said to himself - "wow - not just anybody could do something like that!" So much for the humility. And that is the great catch-22 with humility - as soon as we think we have it, it's gone. So the key is to focus on God and not us, to loose ourselves in Him, and to give all the credit and glory to Him. Please pray this for me and for you today.

Grace and peace to you,

P.S. - it was bound to happen sooner or later. I started collecting these messages in a blog I have started. You can find them here --> The Celtic Christian.

Today, make known to me, and take from my heart, every kind, form and degree of pride.

Today, empty me of self, and awaken in me the deepest depth and truth of that humility which can make me capable of your revealing light.

Today, do not allow attribution to me, for the good that you perform in me and through me, but rather, that all honor be to you.

Today, may your presence in me, and your work through me, testify of your holiness and saving grace.

Help me to die to self each day, and continuously seek your glorification in all that I think or do.

This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, the exemplar of humility.


Bruce MacPherson / 613.489.4174(Home) 613.720.0821(Cell)

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Thursday February 11, 2010 - Amazing Grace

Good Thursday morning, my friends.

Grace. What is grace? I found a great definition (on this page) on the web:

Grace is God's unmerited favor. That is, grace is God doing good for us that we do not deserve. In the Bible, grace and mercy are like two heads of the same coin. Mercy is God withholding judgment or evil that I deserve; grace is God giving me blessing or good that I do not deserve. Because of God's mercy, I do not receive the judgment of God against my sins; because of God's grace, I receive eternal life and a promise of heaven though I do not deserve them. Both mercy and grace come to me though the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace is a blank cheque that God offers to everyone (which is what makes our faith INclusive, not EXclusive as some critics claim), through the sacrifice of His Son. But just like having a blank cheque in your pocket - it doesn't do you ANY good unless you cash it. To "cash" in on grace, we just have to accept it.

I find it so hard to wrap my head around the concept of Grace, of the unmerited favour that God has offered to me. But when I become still, and know that He is God, when I meditate on this promise, that is when I find peace in my soul.

Have you accepted His amazing grace?


Father, thank you that you are transforming us into your likeness with ever increasing glory by your marvelous grace.

It is only by your grace that we can become fruitful.

It is only by your grace that we can persevere.

It is only by your grace that we can mature.

It is your grace that enables us to love others more.

It is your grace that enables us to cherish holiness and a deepening knowledge of God.

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace

(John Newton/Chris Tomlin)

Bruce MacPherson / 613.489.4174(Home) 613.720.0821(Cell)

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Wednesday February 10, 2010 - Friends on the journey

Good Wednesday morning, my friends.

I am a big proponent of having a small group of close friends in the faith who can come along side us, encourage us, advise us, and keep us honest. I am blessed to have these friends in my life, and I lift up this prayer for them. I believe we need such people in our lives to make this journey not just bearable, but joyful. Rejoice if you have such friends, and pray for God to bring them if you don't. Just be open to whomever He brings - you might be surprised!

Amazing grace and eternal peace to you,

Father, help me to be like a refreshing cup of cold water on a hot summer’s day to the friends You’ve given me.

May I contribute encouragement, comfort, wisdom, accountability, and loyalty to our friendship.

Help me to reserve judgment and faithfully pray for my friends as we walk together heart to heart and hand in hand. Amen.

Bruce MacPherson / 613.489.4174(Home) 613.720.0821(Cell)

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Tuesday February 9, 2010 - "love their souls through me"

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.

This is a wonderful, challenging prayer. I am particularly taken by the line "love their souls through me". Having God do something through us is such a blessing. He doesn't need us to reach the lost (or for anything else for that matter), but he chooses to use us - for our sake, not His.

Accept the challenge today - ask God to show you those 2 special people (read on and you will see what I mean).

Grace and peace to you,

Father, as ambassadors of Your heavenly Kingdom, we want to be keenly sensitive to those whose difficulties seem overwhelming.

Some of our brothers and sisters are weighed down with troubling circumstances that might overtake them if not for those of us who take them by the arm and pull them up out of the quicksand of discouragement that ultimately sinks them further to depression or despair.

As we walk heart to heart and hand in hand with our family of believers we also weep with them in their sorrows and rejoice with them in their victories.

Would You lay upon my heart today two individuals, a believer and an unbeliever, and love their souls through me.

Help me to do my part to strengthen my brother or sister in their faith journey.

Reveal to me a way that I can show genuine concern for the unbeliever, through my caring words or in a loving deed, who needs to see the love of Christ represented in human form.

In the blessed name of Jesus, I pray. Amen

Bruce MacPherson / 613.489.4174(Home) 613.720.0821(Cell)

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Monday February 8, 2010 - Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!

Good Monday morning, my friends.

Lord, I believe; help my unbelief! (Mark 9:24). That could be my life verse. I occasionally find myself haunted by strong doubts about my faith. A voice telling me - "Are you kidding me? Do you really believe these fairy tales?"

When I get these feelings, I have to go back to where my faith comes from, where it started. For me, it was in research and study, not prayer and fasting. For about three years I was convinced that what Christians proclaimed to believe were fairy tales. But during those three years, I was very interested in the topic and spent untold hours researching the subject. And what was the result of all that effort? I became convinced by the evidence that Jesus Christ is exactly who He said He was, exactly who the New Testament says He is.

So when these doubts try to overtake me, I go back to the evidence and the evidence is clear. If you have never bothered to research this for yourself, I highly recommend it. Timothy Keller in his book The Reason For God says that we should acknowledge and wrestle with our doubts - because if we fail to do so, we are like a body with no immune system. Any catastrophe in our lives, or questions from a skeptical friend, will bring our faith crashing down because we have nothing to fall back on.

Amazing Grace and His Eternal Peace to you today,

P.S. For a funny "life verse" story, click this link after offering up this prayer.

Lord, my faith feels weak.

I sometimes doubt you and thin, say, or do things I wish I hadn’t done.

But in weakness there is strength, and I thank you for the wonderful truth of what you do for human lives.

You give us life, vibrant, exciting, unending life with an enthusiasm that never runs down.

Help me to believe that with all my heart.

For this I give You thanks. Amen

Bruce MacPherson / 613.489.4174(Home) 613.720.0821(Cell)

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