Happy New Year!
We begin 2011 with this prayer, slightly modernized by David Kitz, drawn from "Puritan Prayers and Devotions" in a little publication entitled, "The Valley of Vision" (Is.22:1).
This prayer is a great launching point for the new year. May you find in it the words that will bring your heartfelt petition to the Throne of God.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
Length of days does not profit meExcept the days are passed in Your presence,In Your service and to Your glory.Give me a grace that precedes,Follows, guides, sustains, sanctifies, aids every hour,that I may not be one moment apart from You,but may rely on Your Spirit tosupply every thought,speak through every word,direct every step,prosper every work,build up every speck of faith,and give me a desireto show forth Your praise;testify to Your love,And advance Your Kingdom.I launch my ship of faith on the unknown waters of this year,with You, O Father, as my harbourYou, O Son, at my helm,You, O Holy Spirit, filling my sails.Guide me to heaven with my body clothed,my lamp burning,my ear open to Your calls,my heart full of love,my soul free.Give me Your grace to sanctify me,Your comforts to cheer,Your wisdom to teach,Your right hand to guide,Your counsel to instruct,Your Law to judge,Your presence to stabilize.May Your fear be my awe,and Your triumphs my joyThroughout this year.This year – a gift from Youthat calls us on.
Bruce MacPherson macpherson@celtic.ca / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821 You are receiving this email because you have requested it or I felt you would be interested in this material. If you would like to be removed from this email list, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above email address. Likewise, if you know of someone else who you believe would appreciate receiving these messages, please let me know. |
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