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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Always be prepared to give an answer

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.

What brings people to Christ?  We had a guest preacher at our church a few weeks ago, and he boiled it down to two reasons.  He said that people come to Christ when they get to a point where they say "my life is broken", or "I am a success but my life is hollow".  In my case it was a generous helping of the former, with a splash of the latter.

People realize their life is broken when they find they just can't do it alone anymore.  They need help, and they begin to seek it in some form of "spirituality".

Successful people who do not know Christ realize that something is missing in their lives - that there is a hollow place in their heart - and try to fill it with "stuff": a bigger house, fancier car, vacations, etc.

We need to be listening to the people around us who are expressing these frustrations.  Be aware we may need to read between-the-lines to hear that message.  Listen to hear the crushing experiences of their lives and be prepared to share with them the joy of knowing we do not have to go it alone, and that there is a way to fill that hollow spot.  As Peter says:

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15)

Often, we need to be reminded of this hope as well.  Consider this YOUR reminder!

Grace to you and peace be multiplied,

ps. As we journey through Lent, check out 40 Days with Jesus.  And please pray that the men of Ottawa would come to the Promise Keepers LEGACY conference on April 8/9 and have an encounter with God.

Heavenly Father,

We pray that our hearts and ears would be open to those around us.
Help us to hear their cries and pleas for a more fulfilling life.
Give us the courage to share the Good News.
Give us the wisdom to share it in a way that attracts them to You.
May your Holy Spirit be at work in their lives, prompting them to seek You.

In Jesus name we pray,

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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