Good Tuesday morning, my friends.
I have my own personal cross. For years I avoided picking it up - it just looked too heavy. I tried everything I could think of to get past it, to get away from it, but it was always there blocking my path. My prayers to have it removed were in vain. Then during a sermon on this topic 4 or 5 years ago I heard God gently whisper to me to just pick it up. He said it was there for me to carry. So I decided to give it a try. And it turns out it was not so heavy after all. Why? Because God was doing all of the heavy lifting.
What is the cross you will bear today? You may know. You may think you know. You may have no clue. But make no mistake - there is a cross in front of you today. The question is: Will you choose to pick it up?
Grace and peace be yours in abundance!
Father, there are many choices I will make today based upon the variables that I cannot foresee.
But above all I must deny my own selfish desires, take up my cross daily, and follow Christ.
In denying myself I will be careful never to deny Christ nor the work He wants to do in me.
I don’t know what my cross will look like today, whether it be in the form of physical pain, ridicule of my faith, rejection from one that I love, a major letdown, or another difficulty that may arise.
The wonderful blessing is that I don’t carry my cross in my own strength but You carry it for me as I lean upon You for strength, guidance, endurance and the assurance that today’s cross will soon be exchanged for tomorrow’s crown.
Until then I remain faithful through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name I pray.
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