Good Wednesday morning, my friends.
Who around you, in your house, in your workplace, in your neighbourhood, is waiting for you to tell them the good news? Jesus has commissioned us to bring His good news, His gospel, to our neighbours (near and far). Fear often keeps us from that task. Fear and pride. Let us pray for boldness for the sharing of the most incredible gift ever given.
Grace and peace and boldness be yours in abundance,
Lord God, what a marvel,
that I can proclaim your Word!
What an honor.
What a joy.
You dwell with the lowly
and visit those who tremble at Your Word.
Anoint me with lowliness.
Fill me with trembling.
Come upon me in spirit and truth.
Overshadow me with your Spirit.
All my springs are in you, Lord.
Flow from me
for the salvation of sinners
and for the blessing,
and upbuilding of your church,
in Jesus' name, amen.
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