When Scripture uses the word blessing, it means the assurance of God’s acceptance and, even more, the awareness that God delights in us. He made us to relate to him in love. And as we do we see how God is the very life within our life. He gives us breath. He provides for our daily needs. He forgives our sins. When we live aware of God’s acceptance, we experience day by day the satisfaction of our deep longing for connection to him. And through each season [of life] God undergirds us with the hope of everlasting life.God created us to live in the favour of his love. So we have to rescue the word blessing from shallow definitions that involve getting more stuff, experiencing fewer problems, or simply having things turn out our way. The heart of blessing in Scripture involves a vibrant relationship with the triune God who loves us utterly. Running like a golden thread through its pages is his repeated promise, “I will walk among you, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people.” This kind of blessing, then, does not depend on how well things are going for us. God’s blessing can energize us even when the circumstances of life are draining.— Gerrit Dawson in The Blessing Life
Grace and peace a blessings be yours in abundance,
Father, far too often our minds can be consumed with things that only money can buy which can also bring discontent for that which we already have.
Help us to focus our hearts on that which has lasting value, that brings eternal dividends.
As we lift our voice to You this day and turn our hearts toward Your unfailing love we find joy and satisfaction that will not be determined by the events or non-events of this day.
When human love is fleeting or disappoints help us to look to Your unfailing love which satisfies.
We want to listen carefully to You, eat what is good, and delight ourselves in Your abundance.
In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
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