Good Wednesday morning, my friends.
Do you not find it easy to slip into "religion" mode and forget all about the relational aspect of our faith? We dutifully attend church, bible studies, etc. We say all the right words, pray before meals, even read our Bibles regularly. But how much time do we spend on our actual relationship, our bi-directional communication with the God of the universe?
I read this devotional this morning and it struck home:
Wednesday, June 4, 2014The Rock-Steady ManKey Bible Verse: You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. (Isaiah 26:3-4)Dig Deeper: Proverbs 3:1-6A man once met Billy Graham at a dinner and asked him what was the most satisfying part of his life and ministry. The man expected to hear stories about the big revivals, or about being a spiritual advisor to world leaders, or about writing best-selling books that affected lives the world over. But Dr. Graham waved him off and said, "It's none of that. By far the greatest joy of my life has been knowing Jesus – hearing him speak to me, having him guide me, sensing his presence. He has been the greatest pleasure of my life."Dr. Graham delighted himself in the Lord. And the Lord gave him the desire of his heart.Here's the application. There's nothing wrong with achievement, but it's not going to satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts. It works both ways. If we achieve all we want, those things won't satisfy us. And if we don't achieve what we want, we won't be satisfied either. That's why a man needs to be rock-steady. That's why we need to ingest and live out the truth of [today's Key Bible Verses].Source of the Billy Graham story: Simply Jesus and You by Joseph Stowell (Multnomah, 2006).— Matt Carter in The Real Win
Today spend some time soaking in your relationship with God - allowing His love to overwhelm you.
Grace and peace and the deep love of God be yours in abundance,
I understand that you love me, Lord,
but it's harder to believe that you like me...
There are so many days
when I don't like myself...
It's not easy to imagine
that you seek me out
and choose me as your friend,
that you enjoy my company
and want to spend time with me
and that you like the sound of my voice...
But you do, Lord
- and for all of this I'm grateful...
When you say you like the sound of my voice, Lord,
I realize you don't hear it often enough.
So, keep me faithful to telling you
everything I have to say
and teach me to come to love
the sound of your voice, too...
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