As of September 1st I have joined the staff of Promise Keepers Canada on a part-time basis as their Regional Representative for Ottawa East (East of the 416). Promise Keepers Canada is an amazing organization devoted to working with men in developing Godly attitudes towards manhood, sexuality, being a husband, and being a father. In the 3+ years I have been interacting with this organization they have taught me much, prayed for me more, and were used by God in a huge way to get me on the path I now travel. It is a privilege for me to give something back to this great ministry.
Promise Keepers hold annual conferences here in Ottawa and in numerous other cities across Canada. World class speakers are brought in to teach and disciple the thousands of men who attend these events every year. If you or someone you know has attended one of these event, you know the impact these conferences can have In addition to the conferences, Promise Keepers sends out fantastic free resources on a monthly basis to any man who wants them. These include CD's of speakers from various events, daily devotionals, and their very own SEVEN magazine produced in Canada for Christian men. For Men's Ministry groups Promise Keepers has produced a series of "Men's Summit" DVD's that can be used for a Saturday breakfast or other gatherings. Each kit provides 2 DVD teachings, an agenda for running a session, and a power point presentation of discussion questions. Other resources we have available include full day workshops and weekend long "Discipleship Training".
Our mission is to help the men of Canada, and the world, be better followers of Christ and in doing so to become better husbands, fathers, church members, friends, workers, and bosses, Our motto and our goal is "Leave No Man Behind".
Up until recently Promise Keepers concentrated on the annual conferences as their primary focus but more and more often pastors and men's group leaders have come forward indicating their men need to be "fed" on a more regular basis. This is what has prompted the organization to begin producing these new high quality resources.
For those of you in the Ottawa area, I am looking for people - men and women - in as many churches as possible who will partner with me in promoting the ministry of Promise Keepers. It can be as simple as putting up posters of upcoming events or it can be more involved - organizing groups for breakfasts or workshops - or volunteering at an event as an usher, prayer team member, etc. If this is you or someone you know - please contact me.
For those of you outside of the Ottawa area who would like more information or would like to be involved in any way with Promise Keepers, please send me a note and I will forward your contact information to the appropriate person in the organization.
It is a privilege to serve the Lord in this capacity. Please, as you are led by the Holy Spirit, lift up this ministry, my work in it, and my family in prayer. I would also love to have some of you offer to join a prayer team that would regularly pray for these and other requests. I have a friend who is willing to lead such a prayer ministry and if you would like to be involved in that aspect, please let me know.
Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace to you,
Our mission: To ignite and equip men to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ - resulting in families, churches, workplaces, communities and nations impacted by the grace of God through the lives of men.
Bruce MacPherson Regional Representative - Ottawa East Promise Keepers Canada Email: Blog: The Celtic Christian Home: 613.489.4174 / Cell: 613.720.0821 |
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