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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Daily Prayer - Be strong and courageous

Good Wednesday morning, my friends.
My wife, Rosemary, showed me a passage yesterday from the book of 1 Maccabees.  If that name does not ring a bell with you, or you cannot find it in your Bible, don't be surprised.  It is one of the so-called books of the "Apocrypha" which are not included in all Bibles.  The question of whether these are "inspired" texts is beyond my knowledge, but that does not detract from the power of these words.  This is not a prayer, per se, but it has the affect of aligning our thinking and will to God's - which is the purpose of prayer.  These are words spoken by a man named Mattathias, on his deathbed, to his sons.  They apply as much today as they did then.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
These are times of violence and distress. Arrogant people are in control and have made us an object of ridicule. But you, my sons, must be devoted to the Law and ready to die to defend God's covenant with our ancestors.
Remember what our ancestors did and how much they accomplished in their day. Follow their example, and you will be rewarded with great glory and undying fame.
Remember how Abraham put his trust in the Lord when he was tested and how the Lord was pleased with him and accepted him.
Joseph, in his time of trouble, obeyed God's commands and became ruler over the land of Egypt.
Phinehas, our ancestor, because of his burning devotion, was given the promise that his descendants would always be priests.
Joshua was made a judge in Israel because he obeyed the command of Moses.
Caleb brought back a good report to the community and was given a part of the land as a reward.
David was made king and was given the promise that his descendants would always be kings because of his steadfast loyalty to God.
Elijah, because of his great devotion to the Law, was taken up into heaven.
Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael were saved from the flames because they had faith.
Daniel was a man of integrity, and the Lord rescued him from the mouth of the lions.
Take each of these ancestors of ours as an example, and you will realize that no one who puts his trust in the Lord will ever lack strength.
Don't be afraid of the threats of a wicked man. Remember that he will die and all his splendor will end with worms feeding on his decaying body. Today he may be highly honored, but tomorrow he will disappear; his body will return to the earth and his scheming will come to an end.
But you, my sons, be strong and courageous in defending the Law, because it is through the Law that you will earn great glory.
(1 Maccabees 2:49-64)

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