Jesus said to us: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:34-35). Why did He call this a "new" command? Surely if there is anything the Bible teaches us it is that God wants us to love Him and love our neighbours. So what made this requirement "new"? Well it is the words "As I have loved you". Jesus had set a new example, had raised the bar to new heights.
If we want to draw others to the amazing love of Christ that we have known, they must first know that we are His followers. And we do that by loving each other. Often that is easy to do, but there is always that one person in our family, in our church, at work, wherever, that is just so difficult to love. A number of years ago in a Bible study we learned to call them EGRs - Extra Grace Required. And it is good to remember that sometimes we are the EGR.
Amazing and Extra Grace and Eternal Peace be yours,
Dear Father, the Source of every mercy, how I thank You that each of Your children is dear to You - as dear as Your beloved Son!
You love us, even though we differ in some of our doctrines and spiritual practices. You still love us even when we sin! Lord, how unworthy I am of such love! How unworthy we all are! And how much we need to grow in loving others as You love us!
Enable each of us - in my church and in all churches everywhere - to experience Your love more fully, and to let it flow out to others. May Your Spirit fill us day by day, bringing forth the fresh, abundant fruit of love in our lives. Love that keeps growing richer in knowledge and wise insight, in patience and kindness, in humility that honors the other person. Love that overcomes jealousy and arrogance and self-seeking. Love that is not touchy or resentful or judgemental. Love that covers a multitude of sins and refuses to gossip. Love that chooses to look out for the other person's interests, as well as our own - whether we feel like it or not. Work in me this kind of love for all believers - and especially for those I find hard to love and those who tend to rub me the wrong way.
May we constantly show the fragrant love of Christ to one another, as we look forward to being together for all eternity. May the world see Your love in our lives, and may this draw many to You.
(31 Days of Prayer, Warren and Ruth Meyers, Day 18)
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