Andrew Murray wrote, "The nearer we come to God Himself and the deeper we enter into His will, the more power we have in prayer. In the stillness, you will receive power to pray." How do we draw closer to God? It starts by being still and contemplating Who He is, and who we are.
The closer I get to Him, the more desperate I get for an even deeper relationship. That's why I love this prayer. No matter what your relationship is with God today, it can go deeper - just be still and ask.
"Truly my soul silently waits for God." Psalm 62:1
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
Dear Father, how I long to know You better.
Reveal Yourself to me in new ways as I wait quietly before You.
Make Yourself more real to me than anyone or anything on earth.
Open my eyes to see You in the Scriptures, quiet my mind and emotions to be still and know that you are God.
Calm my heart, taking away my strain and stress.
Make me conscious of Your presence as I wait before You with holy reverence.
(31 Days of Prayer, Warren and Ruth Myers, Day 20 - As You Have Time)
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