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Friday, June 7, 2013

Daily Prayer - Heroes

Good Friday morning, my friends.
Yesterday was June 6, the anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normany, France during World War II.  You may or may not know personally anyone who fought in that war. Both my father and father-in-law fought through Europe in those dark days.  There were many heroes, many who gave their lives.  D-Day was a turning point in the war.  It wasn't the end of the war - that took about another year - but it signalled the end of the war, the inevitable victory for the Allied Forces.

The death of Jesus on the cross was D-Day for all of mankind.  It did not end the battle with our enemy, but the final outcome has been decided.   We are living in the days between the invasion and the final victory.  There are still battles to be waged and skirmishes to be fought, but the enemy is on the run.  And our Hero deserves all the glory.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
Father, we thank You for those who paid the ultimate price in laying down their lives to defend our freedoms.

Many of us don't know even one of these faithful warriors by name and yet their sacrifice has freed us from the takeover of our enemies.

There are also those who do not know the Person of Jesus who laid down His life to free us from the takeover of our archenemy, the devil.

The vast majority give little to no thought of the immense burden Jesus bore as He took our sins upon Himself that we might receive forgiveness.

We thank You, Father, for Jesus who is the Hero of heroes in that He gave His all that we might receive Your all; forgiveness for our sins and eternal life in Heaven.

We thank You for Your undeserved love and mercy.


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