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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Daily Prayer - How flexible are you?

Good Wednesday afternoon, my friends

It seems that MailChimp worked quite well yesterday. Please let me know if you have any issues with these messages.

How often do we not have either the time or the resources to help those around us who are in need? They may need a listening ear, encouragement, assistance with a physical task, relief from a financial crisis, or any number of other problems. As you read the Gospels you will notice that Jesus always allowed His schedule to be interrupted when someone needed help - whether it was a blind man at the side of the road, or a crowd that was following him. Are we that flexible? Do we allow for any margin in our schedule or budget which would enable us to take advantage of these blessings presented to us? Yes - blessings. You know from experience how blessed you feel when you are able to help someone else. And remember "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." (Hebrews 13:2)

Grace and peace be yours in abundance!

Jesus, help me to have the heart and motivation of the Samaritan when he saw the needy man along the way.

Taking the time to stop and help wasn't on his schedule and his medical expenses weren't in the Samaritan's budget.

He didn't consider these factors to be an obstacle that would keep him from extending Your mercy to one in need.

Jesus, help me to be Your hand extended reaching out to the needy, the sick, and the oppressed.

And, Lord, when it is not within my ability or power to directly reach that person in need, prompt me to bring him before the throne in earnest prayer.

Help me to be a vessel that You use to heal the broken-hearted as You bind up their wounds.

And I will do it in Jesus' name and for Your honor.



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