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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Daily Prayer - As for me and my house ...

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.
We make a choice every day, every hour, every minute.  Whom shall we follow?  The "gods of this world"  - modern culture, materialism, relative truths - or the God who reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ?
As For Me And My House We Will Serve the Lord - Joshua 24:15
Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace be yours,
Father, the philosophies, trends, and mind-set of the world stands in great contrast to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Your Word tells us that those who are not for You are against You. 
We can't walk on both sides of the fence so we are faced with a choice we must make; the same kind of choice Joshua gave to the Israelites thousands of years ago. 
We must choose whether to follow after the gods of this world and forsake You or we must forsake the world and devote ourselves to You. 
Father, I choose to follow after You; You who reconciled me to Yourself through Jesus. 
You have proven Yourself trustworthy for Your promises are true. 
You provide the power and presence of Your Holy Spirit to lead me and direct my every path.
Your Word illumines my every thought. I choose You today, exclusively and eternally!
Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Monday, January 30, 2012

Daily Prayer - Unsaved family and friends

Good Monday morning, my friends.
I have some "pre-Christian" friends on my heart this morning.  I am in prayer for them, and asking you to join me.  They are "like sheep without a Shepherd" (Mark 6:34).
Consider the following: 
"open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are being sanctified by faith in JesusChrist." — Acts 26:18
"Prayer is not the least you can do for someone, prayer is the most you can do for someone." — Billy Graham
"Prayer is the foundation for fulfilling the Great Commission... the battle for the nations will be won on the knees of God's people. The strongholds of Satan will be broken down and the kingdom of God extended only through our prayers." — Dr. Jerry Rankin , SBC Intl. Missions Board
"I am always deeply conscious that I am absolutely helpless and that only the Holy Spirit can penetrate the minds and hearts of those that are without Christ. All I am doing is sowing seed. It is God - and only God - who can make the seed bear fruit ... We stress that prayer is an indispensable element in preparation for a crusade, and we seek to organize in advance as many prayer meetings as possible. It is the mightiest force in the world." — Billy Graham , "Just As I Am"
Lee Thomas, author of "Praying Effectively for the Lost": "Nobody gets saved unless someone prays. God has given us the ministry of reconciliation. We have one weapon- the Word of God. The lost are prisoners of war that don't know they are lost. Prayer can do what nothing else can do. When we pray, we break demonic strongholds. We must give ourselves to prayer -passionately, fervently, and consistently."
Pray as well for your friends and family members who have not yet found that relationship with Christ. 
Grace and Peace be yours in abundance,

Father, hear us as we ask You to rescue the lost from the domain of darkness and bring them into the kingdom of Your Son. You alone can draw and enable them. You alone can send Your Holy Spirit with power to convict them of the sin in their life and their need to repent and believe in Your truth--that Jesus is the only way to You, that He alone is the way, the truth and the life.

Father, we ask you to forgive the sins of the lost. We come in Jesus' name to demolish the strongholds in their minds that those sins have allowed. We come in the authority of Jesus' name to overcome the power of the enemy in their lives, to ask You to bind evil spirits away from them in the name of Jesus and the blood of the Lamb through the word of our testimony.

We come against the blinding of their minds and ask that You send someone to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light; help us to be willing to go. Father, don't let their hearts be hardened, but open their hearts to receive Your truth. Rip away any veil that covers their hearts, any false teaching that confuses their minds. Help them to hear your Word with power and conviction as the Word of God and not the word of man. Give them understanding, so that Satan will not be able to steal Your Word from their hearts.

Father, help them see their need for a Savior, to know they must confess their sins, repent and believe--or they perish. Help them choose Your mercy and Your gift of faith, to believe with their hearts and confess with their mouths, Jesus is Lord. We ask in Your will, that not any should perish. In Jesus' name, amen.


Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Daily Prayer - Quench your thirst

Good Thursday afternoon, my friends.
What is it that separates you from God?  What is that weakspot that Satan continually exploits in your life, causing you to return to that "broken cistern" (Jeremiah 2:13) over and over?
Is it drugs?  Alcohol?  Gambling?  Pornography?  Greed?  Food?  Control issues?  Whatever it is just came into your mind.   Like a "dog returning to his own vomit" (Proverbs 26:11) we will believe those lies one more time and come away completely empty. 
This time don't believe the lie.  Don't waste your time and resources on that which does not satisfy.  Instead of trying to drink from a broken cistern, drink from the cup that God offers:
"Come, all you who are thirsty,
   come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
   come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
   without money and without cost.
Why spend money on what is not bread,
   and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
   and you will delight in the richest of fare. (Isaiah 55:1-2)
Who wouldn't want the richest of fare?
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
In the dry wildernesses of our lives,
    in the days of heat and thirst,
        you offer us living water,
Thank you, gracious and generous God.
When we begin to doubt your presence,
    and grumble that your love is unreliable,
        you offer us living water,
Thank you, gracious and generous God.
When life's regrets and the bad choices we have made
    leave us feeling excluded and unworthy,
        you offer us living water,
Thank you, gracious and generous God.
When circumstances, or the inhumanity of others,
    have left us alone and wounded,
        you offer us living water,
Thank you, gracious and generous God.
We thank you and praise you, O God,
    that how ever we may thirst,
        what ever we may need to satisfy our souls,
    you offer it freely and abundantly in Christ;
So we drink deep of the living water
    and, as we draw from your wells,
        we seek to pass the cup to others
        who, like us, are thirsty for your grace.
Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Daily Prayer - Sláinte!

Good Wednesday morning, and a happy Robbie Burns Day my friends!
My Scottish heritage shines through his morning, as I sit here in my kilt and sporran (no kidding!).  And so I feel it is best to leave the prayer today to the bard, himself.  Burns realizes he cannot rely on his own power to be righteous and instead leans on God and how He "Delighteth to forgive".  We would be wise to do likewise (likewiseth?).
Grace and peace be with you lads and lassies today!

A Prayer, In The Prospect Of Death

by Robert Burns

O thou unknown, Almighty Cause

Of all my hope and fear!
In whose dread presence, ere an hour,
Perhaps I must appear!

If I have wander'd in those paths

Of life I ought to shun;
As something, loudly, in my breast,
Remonstrates I have done;

Thou know'st that Thou hast formèd me

With passions wild and strong;
And list'ning to their witching voice
Has often led me wrong.

Where human weakness has come short,

Or frailty stept aside,
Do Thou, All-Good! for such Thou art,
In shades of darkness hide.

Where with intention I have err'd,

No other plea I have,
But, Thou art good; and Goodness still
Delighteth to forgive.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Monday, January 23, 2012

Daily Prayer - Strengthen our faith

Good Monday morning, my friends.
Pray this simple prayer today, asking God to enlighten us with His Word and strengthen the faith He has given us.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
God our Father,
you conquer the darkness of ignorance
by the light of your Word.
Strengthen within our hearts
the faith you have given us;
let not temptation ever quench the fire
that your love has kindled within us.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Friday, January 20, 2012

Daily Prayer - A prayer for wisdom

Good Friday morning, my friends.
This is a prayer for wisdom.  And who couldn't use a little more of that?  As God says in James 1:5 - if anyone lacks wisdom, simply ask God.  Well I am asking; not simply for wisdom as the world sees it, but for Godly wisdom.  And trusting He will grant my request for He promises to do. And He will grant yours as well.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
Father we thank you for the truths expressed in Scripture that reveal the way to wisdom.
Your Word states that if any of us lacks wisdom, we should ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to us.
So we ask that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.
This wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.
As we attain that wisdom may our lives be as a sharpened axe, useful for the purpose You ordained, leading to a life that pleases You.  
In Jesus Name, Amen
Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Daily Prayer - Practice of the presence of God

Good Thursday morning, my friends.


I love the way God works.  In the past week or so I have started to experience something new in my relationship with Him.  I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.  In fact, I tried to explain it to a friend last night but found it difficult to express.  The closest I could come was the title to Brother Lawrence's seminal work "The Practice of the Presence of God".  Then this morning I read this article from John Fischer and found the explanation.  God wants more of my attention all the time.  I have had a few glimpses of what this could be like and I want more.


God on the go                                   

by John Fischer 


God doesn't desire more of our time sometimes; He desires more of our attention all the time.


Ever feel frustrated because you hear messages about getting closer to God and you definitely desire this for yourself, but you are inundated with so much to do already that this only makes you feel guilty because you are too busy for God? I think we all feel this at one time or another.


Some of you may need to carve some time out of your busy schedule for more specific time to be with God, but that isn't necessarily the only answer to this question. Look at the following scriptures:


"I have set the Lord always before me." (Psalm 16:8 NIV)


"My eyes are ever on the Lord." (Psalms 25:15 NIV)


"I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips." (Psalm 34:1 NIV)


Reading these words makes you wonder if these are the words of a monk who had nothing else to do but devote himself to God. Actually, they are the words of David, King of Israel, a great ruler and warrior. How did he manage to run a nation at war, and keep his eyes on the Lord at all times? The only conclusion is that he did this while he did everything else. It's a continual awareness of God that we are talking about here, not necessarily more time devoted to spiritual pursuits.


I once saw a sign that read: "Your God is what you pay attention to." You see, I believe you can pay attention to God while you are doing everything else. It's all about doing everything for God and seeing God in everything we do. It's about bringing God into the boardroom, the exercise room, the living room, and the bedroom. Now of course He's already in all these places but we're talking about being aware of His being there at all times. That's what it means to set the Lord always before us.


Worship is a frame of mind that always has God in the picture. We don't need church, or Bible study, or devotions to remind us about the Lord if we're already aware of Him all the time. These opportunities then become more precious to us because we can devote all our attention to that which we have been aware of all along.



How about you? Are you practicing the presence of God?



Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace be yours in abundance,



God, my Father,
You have promised to remain forever with those
who do what is just and right.
Help me to live in Your presence.
The loving plan of Your Wisdom was made known when
Jesus, your Son, became man like us.
I want to obey His commandment of love
and bring Your peace and joy to others.
Keep before me the wisdom and love
You have made known in Your Son.
Help me to be like Him in word and deed.
Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Daily Prayer - Safe travels on the journey

Good Tuesday afternoon, my friends.
The weather is a little inclement here in Ottawa this afternoon - snow mixed with freezing rain.  So I thought I would share a prayer for safe travels - both today because of the conditions, and for life in general.
Grace and peace (and good snow tires!) be yours in abundance,

O God, You called Abraham Your servant out of Ur and kept him safe and sound in all his wanderings.


If it is Your will, protect Your servants.


Be for us a support when setting out,

friendship along the way,

a little shade from the sun,

a mantle against cold and rain,

a crutch on slippery paths,

and a haven in shipwreck.


Bear us up in fatigue, and defend us under attack.


Under Your protection, let us fulfill the purpose for our trip and return safe and sound to our home.




Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Monday, January 16, 2012

Daily Prayer - The first of my heart

Good Monday morning, my friends.
During our service yesterday the worship band sang "May the Words of My Mouth" by Rob Hill and Tim Hughes.  It is a beautiful song, that I have heard and sung it before, but this lyric stuck in my throat yesterday:
And I'll look not for riches, nor praises on the earth
Only You'll be the first of my heart
Earthly riches and the mortal praises still hold some sway over me.  And more than a little if I am honest.  I am sure I am not alone in this - our culture pounds it into us.  Obviously God is asking me to examine this "affliction". How about you? Is Christ the first of your heart?  
Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace be your in abundance,
So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:31-33
God, help us to stop worrying about life and put you and your kingdom first.
We trust you to take care of our needs and that you will always be there for us, even when times seem dark.
You are God of the Universe and you love us.
We trust you, Father.
We love you.
Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Friday, January 13, 2012

Daily Prayer - Jesus vs. Religion

Good Friday morning, my friends.
If you haven't seen this short (4 minute) video yet, it is worth watching: Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus.  If you have a comment on it, I would love to hear from you.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,

A Prayer About Jesus' Dining Mates


Levi (Matthew) held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and 'sinners'?" Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke 5:29-32


Most welcoming Lord Jesus, I cannot read this story without finding my longing for the Banquet of all banquets being profoundly aroused.
Who's going to sit and be served by you at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb?
Only those of us who realized we were dead sinners in the morgue needing resurrection, not merely misguided, mistake-prone individuals in need of a few Biblical-band-aids of moral reform.
Only those of us who repented of our unrighteousness AND our wanna-be-righteousness, that we might be clothed with the wedding garments of gospel-righteousness.
How I praise you, with my friends—fellow "tax collectors and sinners", for calling us, healing us and saving us, Lord Jesus.
There's no greater friend of sinners than you.
We exalt you for eating and drinking, reclining and dining, fellowshipping and communing with the likes of us!
Because you're so gracious a Savior, may the gospel of your welcoming heart continue to challenge and change how we "do church."
Oh to be criticized by Pharisees and "elder brothers" (Luke 15) for all the sick people, broken sinners, and cultural misfits that fill our churches for the grace-feast of holy communion.
Who doesn't feel your gracious welcome by us, Lord Jesus?
Let us see it, grieve it and deal with it…
Oh to be more like Levi (Matthew)… to be so impacted by your love, Lord Jesus, that I'm constantly throwing mini-banquets for my friends.
Turn every one of my lunch appointments into a three way conversation, with you and a friend.
Turn my family gatherings into occasions where you're always filling the empty seat.
Make this ingrown heart of mine far more welcoming… far more friendly to outsiders… far more like your heart, Lord Jesus.
So very Amen, I pray, in your name and for your glory."


Amen and very amen.


Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Daily Prayer - A prayer for every day

Good Thursday morning, my friends.


Here is a prayer to start your day (and every day) on the right footing.



Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace be yours,




O that we could begin this day

in devout meditations,

in joy unspeakable,

and in blessing and praising Thee,

who hast given us such good hope

and everlasting consolation.


Lift up our minds

above all these little things below,

which are apt to distract our thoughts;

and keep them above

till our hearts are fully bent

to seek Thee every day,

in the way wherein Jesus hath gone before us.


Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Daily Prayer - The Importance of Being Earnst

Good Wednesday morning, my friends.
It is so easy to be glib in our conversations with each other, and even in our prayers.  But as you read the first line of this prayer, notice the word "earnest".  Be earnest as you speak with God today.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
Lord Jesus, hear our earnest prayer this day.
May You, the supreme example of persevering love, help us to daily nurture persevering love in our human relationships.
May we be loyal to our partners, always looking to their interests above our own.
May Your grace help us to live above the fall-out that comes from inevitable trials.
Enable us to overcome daily temptations as we rely on You.
As we genuinely seek You we are confident that You will grant understanding, forbearance, and a persevering love that will last a lifetime until You call us to our eternal home where we will be richly and eternally rewarded.
Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Monday, January 9, 2012

Daily Prayer - Baptism

Good Monday morning, my friends.
I though I would share an observation I had on baptism in the early church.
What was it about John the Baptist, and indeed even Jesus, that so upset the leaders of their day that those leaders had them killed?  Well, baptism was a big one.  At the time baptism was a rite reserved for those who wanted to join the Jewish faith, not for those who were born Jews.  But John called all – Jews and Gentiles – to repent and be baptised.  This meant that being Jewish wasn't enough to be saved.  It meant being a gentile wasn't enough to be condemned.  It turned the whole world upside down for the religious leaders of the day.
But just how effective was the preaching of John the Baptist?  Did anyone listen to him?  Well Mark tells us they came in droves (emphasis added):
And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.  (Mark 1:4-5)
So what about Jesus?  Well, if they came in droves to be baptized by John, they came in hordes (assuming a horde is bigger than a drove; maybe it was in throngs?) to be baptized by Jesus and His disciples:
Now Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that he was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John—  although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples. (John 4:1-2)
What can we take away from this?  Well one thing is to ponder just how big an uproar these events caused in early Palestine.  I think we sometimes overlook just how much Jesus and his followers shook up the world in their time.  What else?  Well it appears quite certain that baptism was important to Jesus.  And so it should be to us.  All of those who were baptized in the New Testament did so by choice – as adults.  If you haven't done so, perhaps it is time to consider it.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
Almighty God,
as your Spirit did hover over the waters of creation
    so hover over us now.
You delivered your people from slavery
    through the Red Sea
and brought them into the Promised Land
    through the waters of the Jordan.
With the mantle of Elijah,
    Elisha parted the waters.
Dipped in the Jordan
    Naaman was cleansed of his leprosy.
Lord, may we be dipped into the
    baptismal waters of your salvation story
    flooded with the memories of
        your loving grace at work
        in our ancestors before us.
Help us to remember that we are not "no people"
    but we are your people.
Through baptismal waters you have made us
    a Kingdom of Priests
anointed to do good works that bring glory and praise
    to your name.
Through baptismal waters you have made us
    your Ambassadors of Reconciliation
        with a precious call
        to invite others into your cleansing waters
where in the midst of death
    we offer your gift of life.
In the midst of sickness
    we offer your gift of wholeness.
In the midst of loneliness and despair
    we offer your gifts of encouragement and hope.
All of these things we are able to do in the Name
    of our Lord Jesus who called upon us to do
        even greater things
        in faith and prayer.
Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Daily Prayer - Fellowship of the Unashamed!

Good Thursday morning, my friends.


This prayer reminded me of something I once read called the Fellowship of the Unashamed. There is a line in this manifesto that says "My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure."  I can relate to that. The rest of the statement remains somewhat of a challenge for me.  But it is an encouraging challenge.  You may have read it before but it is one of those things we should come back to on a regular basis:


The Fellowship of the Unashamed 


I am a part of the fellowship of the Unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit

Power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has

been made. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow

down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense,

and my future is secure. I am finished and done with low living, sight

walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tame visions,

mundane talking, chintzy giving, and dwarfed goals.


I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or

popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised,

regarded, or rewarded. I now live by presence, learn by faith, love by

patience, lift by prayer, and labor by power.


My pace is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my

way is rough, my companions few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear.

I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, diluted,

or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the

presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the

pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of



I won't give up, back up, let up, or shut up until I've preached up, prayed

up, paid up, stored up, and stayed up for the cause of Christ. I am a

disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go until He returns, give until I drop,

preach until all know, and work until He comes.


And when He comes to get His own, He will have no problem recognizing me. My

colors will be clear for "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the

power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.." (Romans 1:16)


By Dr. Bob Moorehead



If there is a line in there that resonates with you, or particularly challenges you, I would love to hear about it.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



Yesterday, today, and forever You are the faithful, changeless One, Father.


Your works in the past are testimony to Your majesty, power, and provision for our lives today.


Your presence today steadies our walk as You lead us in the paths of righteousness while we forge ahead in 2012.


Your future blessings are waiting to be unfolded in our lives as we faithfully yield to You our heart, our soul, and our mind.


We look to You for everything we need for life and godliness in this present age as we await Your soon return. Come, Lord Jesus, come! 





Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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