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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More on modesty

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.

Yesterday's post on modesty elicited a number of responses - some private and a few public (on the blog).  If you haven't had a chance to read it yet, please do and let me know what you think.

There were good examples and suggestions of better dress codes and school uniforms.  One response spoke of the difficulty in even finding modest attire for teenagers.  This is true.  We (Rosemary and I) are truly blessed that our 16 year old daughter has never developed an interest in trendy clothing, and in fact her sense of modesty would bring a smile to the face of Mother Theresa!  Finding clothing for her is certainly a challenge, but not impossible.  I think the bigger challenge generally is to get teens to wear more modest clothing if and when we find it.  From a young age they tend to want to wear what their friends are wearing, and this may not be a problem when they are younger but it becomes one as they enter their teen years.  For those of you with younger girls, please keep this in mind!

As I said yesterday, men and women are different.  My sister, Beth, in her response on the blog said this:

You are right, men and women are very different and I think the problem is two-fold and somewhat contradictory - 1. Girls feel powerful when they can somehow affect a man, regardless of age and without further intent or thought (and there usually is not an ounce of intent in the dressing other than to get a look which affirms they can get attention), and 2. Girls have no idea of what that power does to a man, because it is really the power of the enemy at work. So realizing this, understand that there can still be a true innocence in them and don't judge them as (to use an OLD phrase) "loose" or "easy". 

We all like to be affirmed in many ways and for many girls, I would even say most, being affirmed as "pretty" or "at least as pretty as the other girls" is quite important. You don't want to be ignored. You don't want to be looked past to see the girl behind you. 

I believe all of what she says to be true, but it is not fair to put all of the onus on our girls.  Boys must be taught to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5b) and that regardless of how a girl dresses or even acts, she is worthy of respect and love.  The idea that "boys will be boys" is not an acceptable mantra for raising them.  The concept of sexuality that modern culture encourages must be constantly counter-acted.  A daunting and exhausting task, I know.  If you have a teenage son I strongly suggest that you buy him a copy of "Every Young Man's Battle" by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker.  But before you give it to him, read it yourself.  If you are a man, you will recognize a lot of the issues you have dealt with (and possibly still are).  If you are a woman you may be surprised and even shocked at some of the concepts taught here but I affirm they are true. All of this said though, God created us differently as a blessing - we have just done a great job of messing up this area of our lives.

Remember this:  Satan will do everything in his power to get us (and our kids) to have sex before marriage; and everything in his power to get us NOT to have sex after we are married.

Grace and peace to you be multiplied,


I pray that our children will develop a passion for purity that is even greater than the urgency of the sexual drive You have given them. May they always think of their bodies as Your dwelling place and want to keep them pure for You (1Cor 6:19). Help our kids to feel they can bring their questions about sex to us. Please give us the right words in awkward moments so we can help them feel ease, as well as answer them clearly, fully, and with confidence (Prove. 25:11). Nudge us when it's the right time to pass on an important attitude or piece of information, even if our kids aren't asking for it. 

O Lord, these are such tough times for a teenager who wants to be pure. Please, Lord, give our children strength to hold onto what they've been taught about these things from a young age (Prov. 3:1). 

I pray that our children will see through the barrage of false and immoral messages about sexuality portrayed on TV and in movies. Fill our children with a genuine and enthusiastic desire to save sex for marriage. 

Lord, please use every important influence in Your power (spiritual conviction, our example, their Christian friends' belief systems, medical facts, and even their own logic) to add up to a winning case for the wisdom and value of abstinence until marriage. Keep satan from succeeding in making our kids think it's futile to try to be sexually pure or that because they are tempted, they are evil and might as well give in. Remind them that You were tempted, Lord. But because You remained sinless, You have power and compassion to help when they are tempted (Heb. 2:18). 

Show our children that it is actually courageous to run away at the first sign of sexual temptation (2 Tim. 2:22). Help them to avoid situations where they could fall prey to lust (James 1:14). Signal them when it's time to say, "Please don't do that," or " I think I'd better take you home."

Above all, Lord, may abstinence not seem to them a sacrifice as much as a way to guard a wonderful treasure. May our children grow up knowing that sex is a gift from You worth celebrating and protecting. 


Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Monday, May 30, 2011

What ever happened to modesty?

Good Monday morning, my friends.

This may rankle a few feathers, but I need to ask this: have our teen girls and young women in the church generally (or completely) lost a sense of modesty?  Have we as a church chosen to ignore this?  Both of my kids are in a high school youth group and when I drop them off at the church I just shake my head as I look around.  Or rather, try not to.  And it's not just at youth group - even at Sunday morning services I find the apparel is frequently challenging to moral standards.

Wow, reading that makes me sound old, prudish, and puritanical.   I think that's probably because that is what our society labels anyone who draws attention to this issue.  

I don't believe that these women know or understand the visual stimulation that men receive when they see them dress this way.  Like it or not, men and women are different.  And one of the differences is the way we receive stimulation.  Men are VERY visual.  If we want any hope of purity in our young people (and not-so-young) I believe that we as the Church need to address this issue, beginning in our own families.

If you have concerns about this issue, want to comment on it, or completely disagree with me, I would love to hear from you.  Better yet, I would prefer you post your message on the blog where we can perhaps have a god-honouring discussion about this.

Ephesians 5:3-4
But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.

1 Timothy 2:9
I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,

Jesus, we know that Satan is a thief who "comes only to steal and kill and destroy" and millions fall victim to his enticements. 

You created us to have an emotional desire for physical and sexual intimacy and in Your perfect plan it is to be fulfilled in a marriage covenant. 

Knowing our inclination to sin, help us to carefully lay boundary lines where we are not feeding lust but are eliminating this destructive force in our lives. 

We desire purity and holiness as we daily pursue Your righteousness. 

Forgive us where we have resented, ignored, or disobeyed Your truths in this area of our lives. 

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Father, as I enter this work place, I bring Your presence with me

Good Thursday morning, my friends.

Most of us have a job we go to everyday.  Even if you don't there are places where you spend significant time and have a chance to influence people and circumstances around you.  Either way, lift this prayer to ask God to bless you and encourage you where ever you are today.

If you have a few minutes, view this wonderful rendition of Amazing Grace sung at the Coliseum in Rome.  (Ya gotta love the bagpipe solo!)

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,

My Heavenly Father, as I enter this work place, I bring Your presence with me.

I speak Your peace, Your grace, Your mercy, and Your perfect order into this place.

I acknowledge Your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls.

Lord, I thank You for the gifts You have blessed me with. I commit to using them responsibly in Your honor.

Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job. Anoint my projects, ideas, and energy, so that even my smallest accomplishment may bring You glory.

When I am confused, guide me.
When I am weary, energize me. 
When I am burned out, infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit.

May the work that I do and the way I do it bring faith, joy, and a smile to all that I come in contact with today. 

And oh Lord, when I leave this place, give me traveling mercy. Bless my family and home to be in order as I left it. 

Lord, I thank you for everything You've done, everything You're doing, and everything You're going to do.

In the Name of Jesus I pray, with much love and Thanksgiving..... Amen.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pray it forward

Good Wednesday morning, my friends.

As a community we are called to encourage one another, correct one another, support one another, and pray for one another.  Today I pray this prayer for you.  Perhaps you can pay it forward by passing it on to someone else?

Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace be yours,

May today be all that you need it to be.

May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit rest in your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight, and conquer all your fears.

May God manifest Himself today in ways you have never experienced!

May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer and your prayers be answered. 

I pray that Faith enters a new height for you; I pray that your territory is enlarged.

I pray for peace, health, happiness, and true and undying Love for God.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Are you hungry for God?

Good Monday morning, my friends.

Have you ever said or thought something like "I would like spend more time in prayer" or "I am GOING to pray more" or perhaps "Tomorrow morning I am going to spend a full HOUR in prayer!"?

Teresa of Avila asked God to make her pray four hours a day. She felt God's response was something like this: "Teresa, I don't make the little birds eat. When they're hungry they eat. And when you're hungry for me you will spend more time and enjoy it without watching the clock."

Four hours?  I sometimes have difficulty with four minutes.  But I want that hunger.  And I am praying for that hunger.  How hungry are you?

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,

Father God, I come into your presence so aware of my human frailty and yet overwhelmed by your love for me. 

I thank you that there is no human experience that I might walk through where your love cannot reach me. 

If I climb the highest mountain you are there and yet if I find myself in the darkest valley of my life, you are there. 

Teach me today to love you more. 

Help me to rest in that love that asks nothing more than the simple trusting heart of a child. 

In Jesus name, Amen

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Thursday, May 19, 2011


Good Thursday afternoon, my friends.

Let's bring this week's conversation back full circle to the young man whose writing started all this.  Rynier, through my sister, posted this on my blog:

"Sorry its (this comment) so long. But that's as concise as I can get it. Its just a big vision, hard to put into a few words. Thanks for the opportunity to share. 

[Previous poster asked]
"I wonder why he chooses to live on Eustice(sp) Street in Charlottetown? I wonder if he will summon the courage to try to change something in his neighbourhood's environment and go onward from there? If he wants to fight, how will he fight? I wonder, if ever I learned his name, if I would recognize it again in years to come? What battle banner will he be flying then? With guidance to act he could be a great leader. I hope he will act."

[Rynier's Response]
My sincerest belief, borne of Scripture and a surface understanding of the character of God, is that I fight by prayer. To be heartbroken for the broken is not a new concept, nor is feeling righteous anger. These are ancient characteristics of our Father, and I believe He has shared them with me purely for the sake of inciting me to action. Scripture is rife with the proclamation that those of us who are the body of the church have a responsibility to those who are outside. But we live in a day where a unified church body does not exist. Individual churches may be strong, but we find it impossible (even denominationally) to work as a functional unit. I intend to answer the ache God has placed in my heart by calling the churches of Charlottetown to restore themselves to their original designs. Until that happens, shattered lives will continue to litter the streets of cities around the world. The challenge is that this will require pastors to shepherd, instead of micromanage, preach with the authority and power they have been anointed with. It will require a elders to guide their congregations into passion and life. And it will require prayer. Mighty intercessors standing in the gap. I'm currently attempting to set up a prayer room in the city with the intention of 24-7 prayer for the body of believers to walk in the knowledge of their power from the depth of Jesus' love. Whether I manage to become a leader or not, I truly cannot be sure, only pray that He will not place me there before I rest entirely in who He designed me to be. 


The Church needs prayer.  Rynier needs prayer.  We need prayer.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,

Make your ways known upon earth, Lord God,
your saving power among all peoples.

Renew your Church in holiness
and help us to serve you with joy.

Guide the leaders of all nations,
that justice may prevail throughout the world.

Let not the needy be forgotten,
nor the hope of the poor be taken away.

Make us instruments of your peace
and let your glory be over all the earth. 


Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Will we answer the bell?

Good Wednesday morning, my friends.

My sister, Beth, posted this message on the blog about the emails of the past two days:

Since Rynier (that's his name and I believe you will remember it in years to come) will jump in on this discussion later when he has a chance, I won't tell what I know of his story, but I will say he's already a leader and an inspiration to many. The questions Bruce asks are ones that Rynier and I have touched on briefly in some respects and neither of us were very satisfied with the immediate answers. We live in an idyllic little piece of unassuming paradise and we spoke of wanting to do so much to change the world. But what can you do to change the world in such a place. Well, Rynier and a few of his friends were inspired and started a movement called COVER, a regular prayer and praise gathering with the goal of covering our capital city and our province in prayer to bring the people to Jesus and Jesus to the people. Appearing idyllic, the unfortunate reality is that our province is absolutely rife with addictions and all the problems that go with them, regardless of the street or community that we live in. These young people are taking a stand and using the weapons that God gave them to change a generation. COVER is branching off and it will be interesting to see the effects for the Kingdom. I have another friend who, against huge obstacles, now does women's prison ministry and is literally building it up from nothing to a respected networked ministry in the province. Another runs a Crisis Pregnancy Centre. I so admire these people for getting in the ring and fighting but I still feel like I am looking for my own arena. I know that God can and does use me occasionally in day-to-day life. It's just hard to accept that's all when you've got big visions. And yet…. We are where we are meant to be. When God determines the time and circumstances, there may be big changes and big projects ahead, but then again, there may not be. I have to be satisfied in the arena that I sit in. My only weapon to use, and the only one I need, may be prayer. It seems small and insignificant. I don't see very well perhaps? I see the problems but, oddly, I can't see my part in the solutions. Normally my work mantra has been "don't bring up a problem unless you've got a possible solution". All I've got sometimes seems to be prayer. Free Will dictates that God waits for us to ask before becoming involved in a situation. I need to be more aware of that power, wield it better and more often! 

At some point we will all be called upon to "fight".  To get into the ring.  Will we answer the bell?  

Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace be yours in abundance,

Heavenly Father, 

Give me the courage to strive for the highest goals, 
to flee every temptation to be mediocre.

Enable me to aspire to greatness, 
and to open my heart with joy to Your call to holiness.

Free me from the fear of failure.
I want to be, Lord, firmly and forever united to You.

Grant me the graces I ask You by the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Will we act?

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.

Yesterday's post elicited a number of responses. One of them asked a number of questions about the young author I quoted: 

I wonder why he chooses to live on Eustice(sp) Street in Charlottetown?  I wonder if he will summon the courage to try to change something in his neighbourhood's environment and go onward from there?  If he wants to fight, how will he fight?  I wonder, if ever I learned his name, if I would recognize it again in years to come?  What battle banner will he be flying then?   With guidance to act he could be a great leader.  I hope he will act.

I hope so too.  

But then, these same questions could be asked of us:
  • Why do we live where we do?
  • Do we have the courage to change the environment around us?  (To "be the change you want to see" as Gandhi said.)
  • Do we want to fight?
  • If we choose to fight the evil around us, how will we do that?  What "weapons" will we use?
  • Will anyone know who we are as a result of a courageous stand we took?  Because if you do this, you will be noticed.
  • Will be be leaders? Will we act?
Tough questions, and ones we tend to avoid or evade.  You may not be seeing the same issues outside your front door as this young man sees.  I know I don't - I live in a nice, safe, family-oriented subdivision.  But what do I see?  I see marriages breaking up.  I hear kids in the park at all hours of the night.  I know that several unlocked cars had items stolen last weekend. I know of a young girl who lives around the corner that has been severely bullied in school and on the bus.  I see my own kids, now teenagers (?!) dealing with the sewer that passes for culture in our world.  

What do you see?

Will we act?

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,

Use me, holy and righteous Father, 
to be your hands and heart in helping those around me. 

Give me the generosity and the patience it takes to be a blessing to those in need who are a part of my church family, 
and also those who have not yet come to know Jesus as Lord. 

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Monday, May 16, 2011

What do you see?

Good Monday morning, my friends.

On Friday I received this note from my sister, Beth:

Hey guys,

I felt I had to share this.  It is from the facebook note of a young friend of mine who is in his early twenties with experiences and insights beyond his years.  He writes the most awesome poetry and "devotionals" and this one is no exception.  Hope it lifts you like it did me.



i live on euston street.
its close to downtown, and a far more realistic Charlottetown than i have ever seen before, living in the country. it isn't idyllic, or slow paced, or something out of an Anne of Green Gables book.
not euston. it is as contemporary as you get, the most contemporary sins and global struggles exist in the microcosm of this small street.
across the road a young woman lives with three small children, while different men visit occasionally. a few times i have caught a glimpse of her face through the haze of cigarrette smoke that floats from her open window, and each time, the dark cirles under her jaded eyes are visible from across the street. in another world, she's only in her early twenties.
in a nearby building, a pleasant, middle-aged guy lives unassumingly. he has a part time day job, but makes most of his money selling drugs. not just marijuana and high school experimentals, but hardcore opiads that bring crackheads to the door in the agonising search for a fulfilment. instead, they exchange hope and life to leave with a few lines of white powder. the fights never end well.
tonight, i arrived home late from work. it was still only midnight; the majority of the city's youth only midway through revelry and carrousing. but a small group of kids caught my eye across the street. i use the term on purpose, their language and hoodies betraying them for junior high attendees. what broke me was the sight of a girl, not a day over fifteen, staggering and jeering away from the group. her words would have brought pause to a hardened criminal, and from her intoxicated young lips they seemed all the more wrong. in a moment of clarity, i saw her frightened, broken self, cowering beneath the overwhelming authority of her god. and his name is not Jesus.
as my key lay dormant in the lock, i saw a young guy seize his opportunity, inviting her to his place and offering a refuge for the night. through her stupor, she could not recognise the treachery, and stumbled off under his arm as his young friends wished him luck.
i wanted to hurt them.
the crack dealer, the father who left his family to rot, the person who talked that girl into her first drink, the evil minded friends, the boy who didn't know any better. but where does it end? you can't punch a society in the face for letting this happen, or even for molding circumstances.
our battle is not against people. but against the spirits they allow to control them. (paraphrased Eph 6:12)
turn the other cheek. i understand. and in the face of persecution to himself, Jesus endured far more than we will ever understand. but when He saw injustice to His children, when mankind's self-righteousness was foolish enough to stray across His path, he tore it up. He flipped tables, disobeyed laws, directly challenged authority, began a spiritual revolution, convicted a generation, and denounced the god of their world. He was the scariest man ever to walk the earth, because He knew the power He had, and He used it freely when circumstance warranted it. thats the Jesus who's name i pray with.
so we have the righteous anger, the weapons, the authority, and a promise of victory. not only that, but we have a promise that it won't be a push over. it will be gritty, and test your very foundation. when you threaten to undo satan's work, know that he will use thousands of years of experience dealing with human nature to try to unravel you.
but our side already won. so everything he does is in vain. and that simple fact, even in the darkness of all his evil works, causes my fist to unclench, and a grin spreads across my face. i will fight.

I honestly do not know whether to envy this young man or feel sorry for him.  He sees this world with a clarity that borders on frightening to me.  This reminds me of an anecdote about 19th century American evangelist D.L. Moody.  While speaking in London, Moody was approached by a British friend. He wanted to know the secret of Moody's success in bringing others to Christ. Moody invited the man to look out the window and asked him, "What do you see?" The man reported that he saw crowded streets below. Moody requested that he look again. This time the man mentioned that he saw people—men, women, and children. Moody insisted that he look a third time. The man became frustrated that he was not seeing what the great evangelist wanted him to see. Moody came to the window with tears in his eyes and said, "I see people going to hell, lost without Jesus Christ."

We need to see people the way the young author above does; the way Moody did - as God sees them.  To quote another of my sisters, Linda, "our friends and family have been stolen from the Kingdom - and they need to be rescued". 

Look around you right now.  What do YOU see?

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,

ps. - Welcome back to the list, Martie!

Lord, you were a shining light to the generation of people who lived two thousand years ago. 
They flocked to you because you loved them enough to be with them and to show them the true way to the Father. 
You have commissioned us to shine with that same love and message, yet we have not.

Even in light of the fact that you have given so much to us and have enriched our lives in every way, we have neglected to give proper attention to the function that was highest on your list, "to seek and to save the lost". 
We confess, Lord, that we have been too busy with life. 
We have loved our lives in this world to the exclusion of the task for which you keep us in the world. 
Our concern has not been great enough. 
Our love has not been hot enough. 
Our vision of eternity has not been clear enough. 
We have not believed, we have been cowards, we have turned away busying ourselves with temporal pursuits while our neighbors pass, one by one, into a living and dying hell. 
We haven't cared enough to intentionally love and pray for them.

Lord, we confess what we are, jars of clay. 
But you are the potter. We ask that you remold our hearts after your own heart. 
Give us a love that will lead the way, a passion hot as fire, and a faith that no disappointment will tire. 
Give us love for the lost and a life of power that will convince them of eternity and the claims of Jesus Christ. 

In Jesus' name. Amen.

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

God - what work do you have for me to do here?

Good Thursday morning, my friends.

Yesterday I sent out a prayer request for my pastor who was undergoing prostate surgery.  By the accounts we have heard (his wife was at a women's group meeting last night that my wife attended), the surgery was successful, praise God.  What I want to look at today is the prayer request itself.  The request came from the pastor and he wrote:

I'm writing to thank you for your prayers that have helped sustain us this far.  I'd also ask you to continue praying for us as I go through this surgery tomorrow.  Here are a few specific requests to remember:
  1. successful completion of the surgery (they can be postponed at times)
  2. all the cancer to be removed
  3. no side effects from the surgery
  4. no need for a blood transfusion
  5. that we would be the "fragrance of Christ" to all we meet at the hospital (2 Corinthians 2:14-16)
That fifth item is the one that stands out.  Here is a man in the midst of one of the biggest crisis of his life and he is asking "God - what work do you have for me to do here?".  He understands that whatever trials we have in life, God uses them for His purposes.  Our job is to seek out those purposes rather than focus on our suffering and our needs.  A tall order, but one that brings peace and comfort in times of great stress and pain.

Paul understood this too.  While Paul was in prison in Rome, literally in chains, he wrote in his letter to the Philippians:

Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear. (Philippians 1:12-14)

And later in the same letter:

For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him, since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have. (Philippians 1:29-30)

It has been granted to us to suffer for Him.  

Are you in the midst of suffering right now?  Is it physical? Emotional? Financial?   Whatever it is, it will likely bring you into contact with people you would not have otherwise met.  Listen to them.  Engage with them.  Look for opportunities to share the hope that lives within you.  Can you find the strength to look outside yourself and ask "God - what work do you have for me to do here?" 

We need to view our situation from an eternal perspective; from God's perspective.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,

The LORD is my shepherd;
         I shall not want.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
         He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul;
         He leads me in the paths of righteousness 
         For His name's sake. 
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
         I will fear no evil; 
         For You are with me; 
         Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
         You anoint my head with oil; 
         My cup runs over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
         All the days of my life; 
         And I will dwell in the house of the LORD 

Psalm 23

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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