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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Daily Prayer - There is no "Plan B"

Good Wednesday morning, my friends.


I don't want to spoil anyone's day (or week or month) but tomorrow is December 1st (!!!!).  As we enter the season of Advent, anticipating the birth of Jesus, let us remember this – and tell our friends – there is no one else coming to rescue us.  Jesus did it all.  Jesus IS the way, the truth and the life. There is no "Plan B".  


As a treat to get you into the Christmas mood, check out this wonderful rendition of "The Hallelujah Chorus". (Thanks, Drew).



Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




Eternal God,

your Son Jesus Christ

is the way, the truth and the life for all creation;

grant us grace to walk in his way,

to rejoice in his truth,

and to share his risen life;

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God now and for ever.





Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Daily Prayer - Seek ye first ...

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.


With "Black Friday" behind us we are now full tilt into the Christmas Season.  Or should I say, the Christmas Shopping Season.


Advertisers and retailers are pulling out all the stops to get us to understand that we "need" what they are selling.  


Jesus said:


"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

(Matthew 6:31-32)


So this Christmas Season let us seek first His Kingdom and wait with anticipation for the coming Saviour.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



Father, help us to prayerfully apply Your Scriptures so that we can learn to be content in any and every situation.


A godly contentment will fill our hearts with peace in place of an anxious heart that keeps us in angst as we struggle to obtain the newest or latest gadget or comfort.


Help us to fix our eyes on You, not others as we pursue holiness.
In Jesus' name we pray.





Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Daily Prayer - The Accuser

Good Monday morning, my friends.


I am going to thread on some thin ice here, so throw me a life-line if I go too far out.


Many Christians (me definitely included) beat themselves up regularly for their sinful failures.  Why do we respond this way?  Is it God accusing us?  No.  As far as East is from West He has separated our sin from us (Psalm 103:12).  As Paul says in Romans 8:1-4:

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.


So why do we have this reaction to sin in our lives?  If God is not accusing us then who is?  Well, Revelation 12:10 calls Satan "the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night"


So God does not remember our sin but Satan accuses us continually.  Who are we going to listen to?


Please do not construe this to mean I am condoning any sin – I am not – but we need to remember that we will live in this sinful body as long as we are in this world.  We "all fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).  Note the present tense in that scripture. 


Yes, we will fail.  We will stumble in the battle.  But God is thrilled that we have entered the battle and is right there with us, encouraging us to get back on our feet and continue the fight!



Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace to you,




Dear God,


Help me.


Give me an understanding that I am not this body that does things in the world, but part of your unending Love.

Allow me to see the beauty that you see in me.

Allow me to understand that since you re-created me Innocent and part of You, then that is what I am.


Father, this feeling of guilt has brought me to you, so I am grateful for it.


I now replace these thoughts of guilt with a quiet trust.

I hand this over to you, God.

When I find myself feeling/behaving the same way, I remember that you are working in me to bring change.

I am not on my own with this.


Thank you, God.


You are a big God, and this problem is small for you.

I place myself in your hands.

Thank you for the peace you bring to my heart.


May I be blessed and be a blessing.

Thank you.





(adapted from


Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Daily Prayer - Disturb me, Lord!

Good Thursday morning, my friends.


I received this message from a good friend and find it challenging and encouraging.  I hope you do too.


You're in Partnership with God


"We are labourers together with God." 1 Corinthians 3:9


Did you hear the story about the little boy who was selling ten-cent pencils door-to-door to raise the money to build a thirty-million-dollar hospital in his community? One woman said to him, "Son, that's a mighty big goal for just one little boy selling pencils for a dime." With a big smile he replied, "Oh, I'm not doing it alone. See that boy across the street? He's my partner; we're doing it together." Now if he had that kind of faith in a partner who was only his equal, shouldn't you have confidence in a God whose power is unequaled and whose partnership guarantees success? The Bible says: "We are labourers together with God." When you truly believe those words, you'll begin to live like a "no limit" person.


When Robert Morrison sailed as a missionary to China, the ship's captain constantly criticized him and gave him a rough time. As Morrison left the ship, the captain said to him, "I suppose you think you're going to make an impression on China." Morrison replied, "No, but I believe God will!" There it is; when you're in partnership with God, your potential is unlimited.



The prayer below comes from the same message.  May God disturb you today!



Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



Disturb me, Lord, when my dreams come true only because I dreamed too small.


Disturb me, when I arrive safely only because I sailed too close to the shore.


Disturb me, when the things I've gained cause me to lose my thirst for more of You.


Disturb me, when I've acquired success only to lose my desire for excellence.


Disturb me, when I give up too soon and settle too far short of the goals You have set for my life.


Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Daily Prayer

Good Wednesday afternoon, my friends.


Now this is an interesting prayer: "thank you for my thorns."  How often do we say that to God?  We tend to thank Him when the thorns are removed, but rarely while they are still piercing us.  This is challenging, but a life of faith is nothing if not challenging.


Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace be yours,



"My God, I have never thanked You for my thorns.


I have thanked You a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorns.


Teach me the glory of the cross I bear;

Teach me the value of my thorns.


Show me that I have climbed closer to You along the path of pain;

Show me that, through my tears, the colors of Your rainbow look much more brilliant."


Prayer taken from the story, "Thankful for the Thorns"



Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Daily Prayer - The Fellowship of Suffering

Good Monday morning, my friends.


Yesterday during our Sunday service I heard a song with the words "heal the wound but leave the scar" (Heal the Wound by Point of Grace):


I used to pray that You would take this shame away
Hide all the evidence of who I've been
But it's the memory of
The place You brought me from
That keeps me on my knees
And even though I'm free
Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful You are
I am broken, torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
And heal the wound but leave the scar



God allows us to endure suffering, and even sinful behaviour, because when we come through that experience He can use us to do far more for the Kingdom than we could have without it.  (I am not suggesting that sinful behaviour is endorsed by God, just that when we "come to our senses" as the prodigal son did, then He can use us to help others escape the same situation.)


I have often prayed to have the "scars" of my past healed so that I could forget all those bad decisions and hurtful behaviours.  However, by leaving them visible (at least in my mind) it keeps me from forgetting all that Christ has done for me.  And in turn I can empathize with others who are dealing with similar issues.


This creates what our pastor called in his sermon a "Fellowship of Suffering".   We comfort others with the comfort that has been given to us (2 Corinthians 1:4).  We weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15).


In the past few weeks we (my family) have become part of the fellowship of suffering as we see families around us struggle with everything from the loss of a loved one, to cancer, to teens who are choosing not to walk with Christ.  These are not all issues we have dealt with personally, but the suffering we have endured has prepared us to be able to comfort these friends.


Who around you do you need to weep with?  To comfort?  And if you are in need of comfort please, please, ask for it.  You would not want someone you love to be walking in loneliness at a difficult time in their lives, and your friends feel the same way about you.  Reach out.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




I can't thank You enough, Yeshua (Jesus), for your tender heart and your kindness.


Help me to feel, just as You do, the pain of those around me.


Be a comfort to those whose lives I touch, because You are living in me.




Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Friday, November 18, 2011

Daily Prayer - Contentment

Good Friday afternoon, my friends.


Sometimes I find that prayers I lift up make statements more about where I want to be than where I am.  Or at least in that moment.  This prayer is an example of that.  I am moving in the direction of this prayer, but not there yet.  But that is the journey of faith – it will not be complete as long as we are in this life.


Ask God today to move you closer to the point where you can say with Paul:


 "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:12-13)


Grace to you and peace be multiplied,




Father, I know that godliness with contentment is of great benefit.


It gives me a state of mind that is calm and satisfied; free from murmuring and complaining. 


I'm reminded that it takes little of this world's goods to satisfy one whose citizenship is of another country. 


Help me to hold loosely to that which does not last beyond this life, and to clasp tightly that which has eternal significance. 


May the character of my soul and the fruit of my actions be of much greater importance than the perishable items that are alluring to me.


I look to You for proper balance in the things You have blessed me with and the attitude in which I receive these good things from Your hands.





Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Daily Prayer - Without love, I am nothing

Good Thursday afternoon, my friends.


If you have ever seen the movie Fireproof, then you will be familiar with the book The Love Dare.  This is a forty day devotional book designed to strengthen your marriage.  Below is the devotional for Day 1, and it applies to all relationships, not just marriage:



Day 1

Love is the greatest of these

If I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2

Loving God and others is what life is really about. No matter who you are or what you do, it comes down to whether you'll live a life of love or not. And there is a vast difference between the two. One is priceless ... and one meaningless.

Love is the most important ingredient to any meaningful relationship. It is fundamental to true significance. Your quality of life is directly tied to the amount of love flowing in you and through you to others. Though it's often overlooked, love is infinitely more valuable than riches, fame, or honor. They will pass away, but love remains. You can be fulfilled without these, but not without love.

The absence of love leaves a devastating void. When it is not present, your spirituality becomes superficial, your benevolent deeds self-centered, and your sacrifices insincere. In any relationship where love is not your motivation, you can expect it to feel bland and unfulfilling-if not meaningless. When asked to identify life's greatest command, Jesus summed it up this way: to love God with all you are and to love your neighbor as yourself. Will you embrace a life of love?


Begin praying this week: "Lord, teach me what real love is and make me a loving person."



"When [love] is not present, your spirituality becomes superficial, your benevolent deeds self-centered, and your sacrifices insincere."  Yep.  That sounds familiar.  But conversely, when love is present those things are extremely fulfilling!


Grace and peace and love be yours in abundance!



Lord, teach me what real love is and make me a loving person.
(The Love Dare - Day 1)
Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Daily Prayer - Life in the Spiritual Desert

Good Tuesday afternoon, my friends.


Have you ever experience a "spiritual desert"?  Are you in one now?  Do you feel like God has abandoned you, or even question that He is real at all?


I know that feeling well.  I have had it several times.  


As I pondered this recently I began to think of my journey and how I have been changed by it.  Have you been changed?  Has having a relationship with Christ made any difference in your life, however small?  Then know this – if He has begun a change in you, he will bring it through to completion (Philippians 1:6). 


So the question is:  why are you/I in the "desert"?  There can be a number of reasons.  It may well be a time of testing, where God is allowing us to spend time to strengthen us and purify our faith.  But before we jump to that conclusion we need to look at other possibilities.  It could be an issue of sin in our lives – are we engaged in an activity, or spending time thinking about something, that is offensive to God?  It could be busyness.  Are we too preoccupied with work, family, sports, hobbies, etc. to find time for spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible reading, etc.?  Are we simply ignoring God because things are going really well for us right now and we feel we don't need Him?  (That is a very dangerous place to be!)


Any of these are possible and we need to do some self-reflection before deciding that God is simply testing us.  But whatever the reason, you can be sure that once we have identified and dealt with the issue, or God has determined our time of testing is over, then we will move out of the desert and into an oasis of God's love.



Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace be yours,




Lord, we are your people, the sheep of your flock.


Heal the sheep who are wounded.


Touch the sheep who are in pain.


Clean the sheep who are soiled.


Warm the lambs who are cold.


Help us to know the Father's love through Jesus the shepherd, and through the Spirit.


Help us to lift up that love, and show it all over this land.


Help us to build love on justice and justice on love.


Help us to

believe mightily,

hope joyfully,

love divinely.


Renew us that we may help renew the face of the earth.







Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Daily Prayer - Our teens are under attack - fight for them!

Good Monday morning, my friends.


In one of my messages last week I asked you to pray with me for the teens and youth in the Church.  It was one of those days where I sat down with no idea what I would write about, and just went looking for a prayer.  Little did I know what God had in store.


In the few days since then we have prayed with, and for, at least four families whose teens are struggling with everything from bad decision making to walking away from the Lord.  It has been difficult, but uplifting as we lift our voices together.  Our youth are enduring an onslaught of attacks from the enemy like nothing I have seen before.  Yes, we had our share temptations when we were younger (and if you were like me, you made the most of them) but what is happening today does not compare.  This enemy, Satan, wants to steal them from the Kingdom and he has an incredible arsenal to use against them: friends with few or no boundaries, incredibly inappropriate movies, ultra violent video games, a plethora of pornography on the internet, "sexting" (sexual texting), easy access to alcohol and drugs, and the list goes on and on.  And perhaps the worst part is that the majority of society accepts these activities as normal and acceptable.


How do we, as parents AND as the Church protect our young people?  Our first weapon MUST be prayer – jointly and severally.  Prayer is a way to engage with God in this (or any) fight.  In prayer we are given comfort and assurance that He is already at work, and He will remind us that He uses all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).   God hears the prayers of the righteous and they are powerful (James 5:16).  We are all righteous, not because of our behaviour, because we have been cleansed by the Blood of Christ.


So I ask you, no, I beg you, to pray today – and everyday – that God will protect these vulnerable children.  Pray that the parents would be given wisdom, strength, courage and guidance.  Pray that God would lift the veil, remove the blinders, of those who have chosen to engage in unhealthy activities and that they would see the desolation and emptiness that are the results of those decisions.


Please, pray with me today and God will hear that prayer and His hand will be moved to action.


Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition,

with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. (Philippians 4:6)



Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



Loving God,

You are the giver of all we possess,

the source of all our blessings.

We thank and praise you.


Thank you for the gift of our children.

Help us to set boundaries for them,

and yet encourage them to explore.

Give us the strength and courage to treat

each day as a fresh start.


May our children come to know you, the one true God,

and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.


May your Holy Spirit help them to grow

in faith, hope, and love,

so they may know peace, truth, and goodness.


May their ears hear your voice.

May their eyes see your presence in all things.

May their lips proclaim your word.

May their hearts be your dwelling place.

May their hands do works of charity.

May their feet walk in the way of Jesus Christ,

Your Son and our Lord.





Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821
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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily Prayer - Have you cashed your cheque?

Good Thursday morning, my friends.


Last evening I was with the youth group at my church and they watched a video on sin, judgement and hell (this is one in a series that covers many topics).  Afterwards I shared this story with them. Several months ago I was contemplating this very topic, judgement in particular, and I had this image come into my mind.  It wasn't really a vision, but kind of plays out like one.


I am standing before our holy God, awaiting judgement.  He takes out a large book that has my name on it.  I know what is in that book.  And it terrifies me that He is now going to open it and read from it.  I am petrified, completely unable to move.  At that moment I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look beside me to see Jesus standing there smiling at me.  He turns to God and says "Excuse me, Dad?" 


God looks up and says "Hello, Son." 


Jesus says to Him "It's OK – Bruce is with me."


God smiles, closes the book, puts it away, looks at me, and says "Welcome home, Bruce."


The hairs on the back of my neck still stands up as I relive this scene (they would stand up on the top of my head too if there were any left there!).  But what I shared with the kids was how this scene is possible.  It is possible because I accepted the free gift of forgiveness that Jesus offered me.  And He offers that gift to everyone.  It is like a blank cheque.  But if all you do is  carry it around with you in your wallet, it is useless.  You have to cash it.  If you haven't cashed your cheque yet – if you haven't accepted Jesus' offer of complete forgiveness and a free pass into heaven – do yourself the biggest favour of your entire life: cash that cheque.  Just magine what it would be like to stand before God without that Advocate by your side.


If you are not sure if you have really cashed that cheque, or are not sure how to, please send me a note and I would love to talk to you about it.



Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



    Heavenly Father, You say in Your Word in John 3:16 that You loved the whole world so much that that You gave your own Son, Jesus to die for it.  Therefore, I declare that "the whole world" has to include my friends.  I declare that You, God, have already demonstrated Your love for my friends and that Jesus has already given His life for my friends.  The price for my friends' sins has already been paid by the shedding of the blood of Jesus.

    God, Your word says in I John 2:2 that Jesus was not only the propitiation (substitute) for the sins of Believers, but also for the sins of the whole world.  This has to include my friends.

    God, Your word says in II Peter 3:9 and I Timothy 2:4 that You are not willing that anyone should perish, but that everyone should come to the knowledge of truth.  Therefore, I declare that it is Your will that my friends should not perish, but come to the knowledge of truth.

    God, Your word also says in I John 5:14-15 that if I ask anything according to Your will that you will hear my prayer and give me what I ask for.  Therefore, I ask that You by Your grace bring my friends to the knowledge of truth that Jesus is Lord.

    God, Your word says in II Corinthians 4:4 that if the good news (gospel) is hid, it is because the enemy has blinded the minds of those who have not received the truth.   THEREFORE, I declare that my friends should have the right under God to be free to receive the good news and give his life to Jesus as his or her Lord and Saviour.  In the name of Jesus, I bind according to Matthew 16:19 the enemies of confusion, doubt, and fear and declare that my friends are to be free to make the decision for Jesus.

(adapted from

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Daily Prayer - for our youth...

Good Wednesday morning, my friends.


Today I ask you to lift with me the teens and young adults within the Church.  The struggle for their freedom and salvation is great and we need to do (spiritual) battle on their behalf.  Please join in the battle today.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




O God

of boundless mercy and goodness,

renew your Spirit

within the young men and women

of your Church,

so that they can stand strong to hear and follow your call

to transform the face of the earth.


Bless, guide, and accompany

all your daughters and sons

who seek to do your will

and wait for the coming

of your kingdom.


We pray through Christ our Lord.




Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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