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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily Prayer - Have you cashed your cheque?

Good Thursday morning, my friends.


Last evening I was with the youth group at my church and they watched a video on sin, judgement and hell (this is one in a series that covers many topics).  Afterwards I shared this story with them. Several months ago I was contemplating this very topic, judgement in particular, and I had this image come into my mind.  It wasn't really a vision, but kind of plays out like one.


I am standing before our holy God, awaiting judgement.  He takes out a large book that has my name on it.  I know what is in that book.  And it terrifies me that He is now going to open it and read from it.  I am petrified, completely unable to move.  At that moment I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look beside me to see Jesus standing there smiling at me.  He turns to God and says "Excuse me, Dad?" 


God looks up and says "Hello, Son." 


Jesus says to Him "It's OK – Bruce is with me."


God smiles, closes the book, puts it away, looks at me, and says "Welcome home, Bruce."


The hairs on the back of my neck still stands up as I relive this scene (they would stand up on the top of my head too if there were any left there!).  But what I shared with the kids was how this scene is possible.  It is possible because I accepted the free gift of forgiveness that Jesus offered me.  And He offers that gift to everyone.  It is like a blank cheque.  But if all you do is  carry it around with you in your wallet, it is useless.  You have to cash it.  If you haven't cashed your cheque yet – if you haven't accepted Jesus' offer of complete forgiveness and a free pass into heaven – do yourself the biggest favour of your entire life: cash that cheque.  Just magine what it would be like to stand before God without that Advocate by your side.


If you are not sure if you have really cashed that cheque, or are not sure how to, please send me a note and I would love to talk to you about it.



Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



    Heavenly Father, You say in Your Word in John 3:16 that You loved the whole world so much that that You gave your own Son, Jesus to die for it.  Therefore, I declare that "the whole world" has to include my friends.  I declare that You, God, have already demonstrated Your love for my friends and that Jesus has already given His life for my friends.  The price for my friends' sins has already been paid by the shedding of the blood of Jesus.

    God, Your word says in I John 2:2 that Jesus was not only the propitiation (substitute) for the sins of Believers, but also for the sins of the whole world.  This has to include my friends.

    God, Your word says in II Peter 3:9 and I Timothy 2:4 that You are not willing that anyone should perish, but that everyone should come to the knowledge of truth.  Therefore, I declare that it is Your will that my friends should not perish, but come to the knowledge of truth.

    God, Your word also says in I John 5:14-15 that if I ask anything according to Your will that you will hear my prayer and give me what I ask for.  Therefore, I ask that You by Your grace bring my friends to the knowledge of truth that Jesus is Lord.

    God, Your word says in II Corinthians 4:4 that if the good news (gospel) is hid, it is because the enemy has blinded the minds of those who have not received the truth.   THEREFORE, I declare that my friends should have the right under God to be free to receive the good news and give his life to Jesus as his or her Lord and Saviour.  In the name of Jesus, I bind according to Matthew 16:19 the enemies of confusion, doubt, and fear and declare that my friends are to be free to make the decision for Jesus.

(adapted from

Bruce MacPherson / Blog: The Celtic Christian / Home: 613.489.4174 Cell: 613.720.0821

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