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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Daily Prayer - Whole?

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.


I have been pondering the past few days about something from the sermon our preacher gave on Sunday: you don't have to be made whole externally (physically healed) to be made whole internally (spiritually healed)
Some of us, myself for sure, have equated the two.  Have you?  Are you waiting for the Lord to make some change in your circumstances and not giving Him the chance to make a change in your heart?


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,




Sometimes, Lord, 

my heart aches for a message,

looks for an angel,

strains and listens for

a much-needed word from you...


My heart waits

to hear what you might speak

to my life and my worries,

my fears and confusion,

my decisions and choices...


My heart waits

for tidings of encouragement,

for a word of wisdom and counsel

to strengthen and empower me,

to guide my way and guard me...


My heart waits to hear you say,

Don't be afraid... I am with you...

I am always with you... I will never leave you...

I am beside you, before you and behind you,

above you, below you, within you...


My soul strains to hear you say:

I've found favor with you...

I care for you... I care about you...

I watch for you... I watch out for you...

You have a place in my heart,

a place I keep for you,

where I hold you...


Send an angel, a message, a word, Lord,

and speak to my heart...


Speak to me as you spoke to Mary:

when I'm not expecting you...

when I'm confused and don't understand...

what I'm not sure what you're asking of me...

when I'm afraid of what tomorrow may bring...


Fill my heart with your grace, Lord,

that I might see every angel you send my way

and hear every word you speak to my heart,

that I might welcome and treasure

each message of your love...





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