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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The King of love my Shepherd is

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.

My apologies for not getting a missive off to you yesterday.  Too many things on my to-do list.  I am likely to miss more next week, as Rosemary and I will be away (alone!) for a few days.

On Sunday, we were at a local church here in the Bathurst area, and the minister was starting a sermon series on the 23rd Psalm.  Wonderful stuff.  One of the hymns that was sung was a beautiful version of this scripture as written by Henry W. Baker to a tune written by St. Columba.  Below are the lyrics to "The King of love my Shepherd is", and it makes a great prayer.  My favourite, and personally felt verse is :

Perverse and foolish oft I strayed,
But yet in love He sought me,
And on His shoulder gently laid,
And home, rejoicing, brought me.

Being laid on His shoulder like a lamb who was lost - a very comforting vision.

Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace to you today,

The King of love my Shepherd is,
Whose goodness faileth never,
I nothing lack if I am His
And He is mine forever.

Where streams of living water flow
My ransomed soul He leadeth,
And where the verdant pastures grow,
With food celestial feedeth.

Perverse and foolish oft I strayed,
But yet in love He sought me,
And on His shoulder gently laid,
And home, rejoicing, brought me.

In death's dark vale I fear no ill
With Thee, dear Lord, beside me;
Thy rod and staff my comfort still,
Thy cross before to guide me.

Thou spread'st a table in my sight;
Thy unction grace bestoweth;
And O what transport of delight
From Thy pure chalice floweth!

And so through all the length of days
Thy goodness faileth never;
Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise
Within Thy house forever.

Bruce MacPherson 

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