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Monday, April 22, 2013

Daily Prayer - Draw near

Good Monday morning, my friends.

Do you desire, as I do, a closer and more intimate walk with God?  

James gives us the answer: "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you" (James 4:8a).  

Whether we realize it or not, God is always nearby.  And if we recognize that we are always in His presence we can have that closeness.  But we have to take that time to be still and know that He is God and that He is with us.  Practice the presence of God.

If we can truly have this sink into our hearts, if we could stop believing the lies of the enemy - that lie that we cannot be close to God, imagine the impact that would have on our walk with the Lord, and the impact it would have on those around us.

Grace and peace and nearness to God be yours in abundance,

Lord, my highest good is to have you near.  
And how wonderful that you want me to come near to You - that You delight to see my face and hear my voice.  
You want me to walk close to you all day long, resting my heart in the joy of who You are.  
Enable me to do this more and more.

May I spread the fragrance of Christ to everyone my life touches day by day.  
Make me a gracious witness to those who don't know You, and a blessing to those who do.

(Thirty-One Days of Prayer, Day One - Warren and Ruth Myers)

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