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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Daily Prayer - Vagabonds and Ruffians

Good Tuesday morning, my friends,
Jesus told a parable about "outsiders" being privileged to partake in a feast because the invited guests had something better to do (Luke 14:15-24).  Well, my friends, we - you and I - are those outsiders.  Many of the first century Jews rejected the invitation, and so the doors were swung open for us "gentiles".
John Fischer wrote recently:
It might be good for us to think of ourselves as outsiders - as uninvited guests who got in on the party only because the invited guests had other things to do. It might be good for us to identify more with prostitutes and sinners than with the religious, lest we too become like the Scribes and Pharisees ("beware the leaven of the Pharisees" Matthew 16:6).

It might be good for us to be eternally grateful for the grace of God that has somehow found us when we are so undeserving. No background. No pedigree. We're like a bunch of mutts who got picked up at the pound one day short of our doom by a generous master who bought up the whole place - adopted us all.

Why do I suggest we think like this? Because it is a necessary to the Gospel of Welcome for us to offer the good news to other undeserving folks like us. If we ever think of ourselves as above anyone, then we are closing someone off to the gospel.

Stay an outsider. Stay a sinner (don't sin, but see yourself as one). Stay grateful. Stay amazed that you got "in." And stay close to the door, so you can welcome in other vagabonds and ruffians like yourself.
I am not sure if I am a vagabond or a ruffian.  Probably the latter.  (The guys I played hockey with would probably attest to that.)  How about you?  Stay amazed.
Grace and peace and amazement be yours in abundance,
Father, how grateful we are that we live in the time of Your favor. 
You favor us with Your goodness, love, and provisions. 
But most of all You favor us with redemption through the precious blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. 
Jesus paid the price and we are recipients of His love and forgiveness. 
We give thanks for our salvation and we pray for anyone who has not made that divine appointment with You to make this the day of their salvation, for now is the time of Your favor and now is the day of their salvation. 

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