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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Daily Prayer - What would you trade for your soul?

Good Wednesday morning, my friends.
In Mark 8:37 Jesus asks this very challenging question: "For what can a man give in return for his soul?"
How many people at the end of their life, on death's doorstep, look back with huge regrets?  They have worked so hard to achieve "success" in this life.  They have gained the whole world but now are about to forfeit their soul.  At that point what do you think you would trade to get it back?  How about: everything. 
"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it" (Mark 8:35).  We are going to lose it all in the end anyway. 
What is it that you feel God is telling you that you need to lose?  Is it a job that is causing you to make ethically questionable decisions?  Is it a relationship that is bordering on inappropriate?  Is it a hobby that is stealing time and resources from your family?  The cost is high, but the rewards are greater.
While you ponder that heavy question, I thought I would leave you with something light.  I read this in a comment on a CBC story this morning and it made me smile.
Top 10 signs you might be an "evangelical"....
10. You've never gone skiing without rededicating your life to Christ at a bonfire after.
9. You never watched "Highway to Heaven" because it aired on Wednesday nights. (Wednesday nights are prayer meeting nights)
8. Your answer to the question "What Would Jesus Do?" is "He would wear a T-shirt that says, 'WWJD?'"
7. You've ever played the tambourine while wearing a suit and tie.
6. You own any clothing or accessories that you regard as "a witnessing tool".
5. You've ever been to a pot-luck dinner featuring more than three varieties of Jell-o salad with shaved carrots and mini-marshmallows.
4. Your idea of communion wine is made by Welch's.
3. You've told someone they deserve to suffer in Hell for eternity and said it without a trace of anger in your voice.
2. You chose your NHL fantasy team based on the personal testimony of the players.
and the #1 sign....
1. You think saying grace in a loud voice at Tim Horton's is a good way to witness.

Grace and peace and Timmy's coffee be yours in abundance,

Lord, please show me Your will for my life.
And give me the wisdom and courage to follow it.

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