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Monday, May 13, 2013

Daily Prayer - A prayer for family and friends

Good Monday morning, my friends.

Human nature dictates that we do not like to think of unpleasant things.  We tend to put them out of our minds and ignore signals that something bad might happen.  One of these "things" for me, is the eternal future of unsaved family members and friends.  But slowly and surely the Lord has been placing a burden on my heart to pray for them, and to find ways to live out, and speak, the Gospel to them. He is aligning my will with His, as He deeply desires all to come to faith.

If you have friends and family members who need to know Jesus, then bring them into the throne room of God with this prayer.  If you don't know anyone who needs saving, then perhaps you have isolated yourself from the world a tad to much - you may need to get out more!

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,


Show me afresh Your deep love for the world - Your yearning that people trust Christ and live with You forever in Your eternal family.  To think that my prayers can help fulfill Your longings!

I desire to persevere in prayer day by day for my unsaved family members and friends, including especially _______________________, ______________________ and ___________________.  Give me grace to pray for them often, and to relate to them with greater love and helpfulness, and to tell them of Christ in winsome and timely ways.  Make them intensely aware of their need for forgiveness.  Convince them of Your love and draw them to Christ.  Do the same for my friends and more distant relatives who don't know You, including ___________________ and ___________________.

It seems, Lord, that there are so many barriers that keep people from You.  Deliver those who think there are no absolutes, who believe that every viewpoint or lifestyle is okay as long as it seems right to them.  Turn people from modern philosophies and Eastern religious practices - and from pursuing ideas of some sort (even "Christian" goodness or service), depending on their own efforts rather than on Christ.  Defeat Satan as he blinds them to their need of the Cross.  Open the eyes of thousands daily to the glorious light of the Good News of Christ.  May many trust You for forgiveness in our community, our region, and beyond.

(31 Days of Prayer, Warren and Ruth Myers, Day 10)

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