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Monday, July 8, 2013

Daily Prayer - Rest for your soul?

Good Monday morning, my friends.
One of my favourite scriptures is where Jesus says: 
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30) 
Does religion weigh you down?  Does it burden you?  Jesus invites us to come to Him, not to a set of rules and regulations, but into a relationship.  I know that most of us know this already, but is it the truth in our lives today?  Our relationship with Jesus should bring rest for our souls.  We should be rejuvenated by prayer, by time reading God's word.
If your yoke feels heavy, perhaps you need to come back to the One Who can replace it with something lighter.  When was the last time you read the Gospels just to spend time with Jesus?
Grace and peace be your in abundance,
(I want to thank each and every one of you who has been praying for my brother, Lyle, and the rest of my family these past few days.  We are so deeply appreciative for the blessings that have been showered down on us because of your prayers.  Lyle is doing very well and actually went home Saturday on a "day pass".  Perhaps counter-intuitively, perhaps not, home is a safer place for him than the hospital.  There are far fewer viruses and bugs at home, and access can be much more easily restricted.  This is extremely important because Lyle's immune system is not simply compromised, it is non-existent.  And until, by the grace of God, it rebuilds, Lyle is susceptible to any infection or disease that comes along.  We are praying that God creates a "force-field" around the house that keeps Lyle safe and healthy during his recovery.)

God you not only have a lovely dwelling place, you are a lovely dwelling place. A perfect peace upon which to rest my weary head. I'm tired today…I do not always want to do what you want me to do…but sustain me past the unwanted and move me to what is needed. Because what is needed is more of You.
I do not always make good choices. I stumble and fall daily…but because you surround my heart…I can breathe. I choose peace. I choose joy. I choose love…because that is where I find you. Your dwelling place is hopeful and positive. It reinforces in me everything that I know to be true. Keep me dwelling with you Lord…it's my safe place…my refuge and shelter.
Surround me with your love today. Wrap me tight into your promises. Guard my heart from joy thieves and rest my mind with you. Thank you that no matter what, you never leave me. I'm stuck to you and you let me stick.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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