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Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Good Wednesday morning, my friends.

Yesterday I wrote about how God is showing me that I have not truly surrendered my life to him - my marriage, finances, schedule, morality and ethics.  How do I know I haven't?  Because I have lacked peace in these areas.  Because I have still worried about each of these, sometimes to the point of deep anxiety.  

How could I have such negative feelings about something that I have surrendered control to another - One who is INFINITELY more capable of handling them than I am?  If I have surrendered, for example, my finances to Him I should have peace in that regard even if I still have debt.  

If you are having anxiety over some area of your life this is an indication that it has not been surrendered.  What is keeping you awake at night?  What is giving you an ulcer?  Is it worrying about your children?  Your marriage?  Your own faith?  Give Him control, and then trust that He will handle the situation better than you ever could have imagined.  It won't likely happen overnight, and won't likely look like you have imagined, but it will happen.  In His time - His perfect time.

Amazing Grace and Eternal Peace to you today,

O Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You, hoping for all things from Your goodness. 

You make a root flourish beneath the soil; You can make fruitful the darkness in which I find myself today. 

I adore You in all Your purposes even without knowing them; Your will be done, not mine. 

May I be patient! 

It is so difficult to realize these trials, heartbreaking as they are, can be turned into blessings. 

Lord, give me peace of mind, peace of heart, and peace of soul, as I offer You my thoughts, my words, and my action, and yes, Lord my sufferings. 

May they all be for Your greater glory, Amen.

Bruce MacPherson 

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