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Friday, February 12, 2010

Tuesday February 9, 2010 - "love their souls through me"

Good Tuesday morning, my friends.

This is a wonderful, challenging prayer. I am particularly taken by the line "love their souls through me". Having God do something through us is such a blessing. He doesn't need us to reach the lost (or for anything else for that matter), but he chooses to use us - for our sake, not His.

Accept the challenge today - ask God to show you those 2 special people (read on and you will see what I mean).

Grace and peace to you,

Father, as ambassadors of Your heavenly Kingdom, we want to be keenly sensitive to those whose difficulties seem overwhelming.

Some of our brothers and sisters are weighed down with troubling circumstances that might overtake them if not for those of us who take them by the arm and pull them up out of the quicksand of discouragement that ultimately sinks them further to depression or despair.

As we walk heart to heart and hand in hand with our family of believers we also weep with them in their sorrows and rejoice with them in their victories.

Would You lay upon my heart today two individuals, a believer and an unbeliever, and love their souls through me.

Help me to do my part to strengthen my brother or sister in their faith journey.

Reveal to me a way that I can show genuine concern for the unbeliever, through my caring words or in a loving deed, who needs to see the love of Christ represented in human form.

In the blessed name of Jesus, I pray. Amen

Bruce MacPherson / 613.489.4174(Home) 613.720.0821(Cell)

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